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TSD Consent Administration Portal

Server: (reachable only from within your TSD project)

The TSD Consent Administration Portal enables the members of the consent-group of a TSD project to administer consent collected via Nettskjema. You have to log into your TSD project to access the TSD Consent Administration Portal. Log into a VM in your project, open Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome, and navigate to the web page of the TSD Consent Administration Portal. For the public-facing Consent Portal, which is reachable from the Internet, see this page instead.

Illustration: Consent portal vs. Consent administration portal

The TSD Consent Administration Portal facilitates three types of functionality, which are accessible via tabs/menu items in the navigation bar on the top of the web page:

List all forms registered for the TSD project.
Search for submissions that match certain criteria.
Register a new form for use in the TSD Consent Portal.

In the context of the TSD Consent Administration Portal, the term 'form' stands for a Nettskjema form.

Listing forms

Screen shot: listing forms

(Reachable via the tab called List)

This tab lists all consent forms registered for your TSD project.

Listing, searching and sorting

Each list item includes the title and the time of last modification of the form. The number in the blue circle on the right-hand side denotes the number of submissions available for the form.

Use the text field above the list to filter the forms based on its title or form ID. Click the eraser symbol on the right-hand side to reset the filter.

Use the drop-down menu called Sort by to sort the list items by the time of last modification or title in either ascending or descending order, respectively.

Displaying secondary information

Click the eye-like symbol on the left-hand side of the list to display details about the registered form. Click the symbol again to hide the secondary information.

Opening the details grants you access to the following buttons:

Querying submissions

Click the button labeled Query submissions to query and list the submissions of the form (see Querying submissions section below).

Editing forms

Click the button labeled Edit to modify selected settings of a form. Editing an existing form replaces any existing settings and registers the form anew.

Unregistering forms

Click the button labeled Unregister to unregister a form from the TSD Consent Portal. Note that this does not affect the underlying Nettskjema form that it is referring to.

Querying submissions

Screen shot: querying submissions

(Reachable via the tab called Query)

This tab enables you to search for and list the submissions of a specific consent form. As there may be thousands of submissions available for any given form, the querying form allows you skim through the submissions page by page.

Filling in the querying form

The query parameters are as follows:

Form ID (mandatory)
The ID of the form whose submissions you are querying.
Time period
Beginning and end of the time period during which the submissions have been submitted.
Variable (name/value)
Searches for submissions for which a specific variable matches a particular value. Submissions are matched based on equality (=), inequality (≠) or similarity (~).
Determines how many submissions are displayed per page.
Sorting order
Submissions can be sorted by submission date and by submission ID in either ascending (↑) or descending (↓) order.

Displaying secondary information

Click the eye-like symbol on the left-hand side of the list of submissions to display all the variables (‘kodebok’) and values pertaining to the submission in question. Click the symbol again to hide the submission details.

Registering forms

Screen shot: registering forms

(Reachable via the tab called Register)

Use this tab to register a new Nettskjema form. The same form is used to update forms you have registered earlier.

You need various properties related to the Nettskjema form in question, such as its form ID and the name of the (‘kodebok’) variable that specifies the future consenter's electronic national ID/SSN (see Nettskjema form ID and Consenter ID in the Mandatory fields section below).

Form IDs uniquely identify each Nettskjema form. If a consent form already exists when you press Register, it is updated. Otherwise, it is newly created.

Notice that registering a new form or editing an existing one does not change the content of the original Nettskjema form, just the information displayed in the TSD Consent Administration portal and in the TSD Consent Portal.

Mandatory fields

Nettskjema form ID
ID of the Nettskjema form.
Title displayed in the TSD Consent Portal.
Consenter ID
The name of the variable that contains the consenter's national ID/SSN.

Optional fields

If the form collects consent related to a clinician referring a patient, this box needs to be checked. Specifying the field called Confirmation form ID associated with referrals is optional. It designates the form ID used for confirmation.
Consent for minor
If you collect consent from minors via their guardian, this field specifies the name of the variable that contains the minor's national ID/SSN.
Custom identity provider
If an identity provider other than ID-porten is used, that entity needs to be specified here. Possible options are:


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Published Sep. 16, 2022 12:52 PM - Last modified Sep. 19, 2022 10:58 AM