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Collect responses from Nettskjema with TSD Data Loader

Data Loader automates collection of responses, decrypts them and stores them in your workspace. The stored files can be used in data analysis software.  

Note: This applies to the old version of Data Loader. For forms newer than 1 February 2023, see here.


How Data Loader works

Data Loader automatically collects all answers from a nettskjema and creates a new, updated file with the responses. You will thus get an updated raw file in three different formats, i.e., an .xlxs, .csv and a .sav file every hour. These files are stored in the project's storage area, sorted per nettskjema, with complete data sets exactly as they were filled into the forms. 

Data Loader delivers the responses exactly as they are, without modifications. Further processing and analysis must be done with suitable software.

Automatic updates

Most projects are updated every hour. It might therefore take up to one hour before the results from a nettskjema are uploaded.

How to open the files

You will find the files in data\durable\csvfiles, three files for each nettskjema (.csv, .sav, .xlsx). The form ID is located in the file name with the prefix internal, for instance internal_69659.csv, internal_69659.sav and internal_69659.xlsx

Data Loader also stores hidden directories in the durable folder: .decrypted, .handled and .failed. Do not change these.

About the files:

  • The files in the csvfiles folder are updated as long as new responses are coming in from Nettskjema. They are overwritten (updated with new responses) every hour and should not be edited or moved. 
  • Since these files contain research data they must be stored in the same place throughout the project. Do not edit or move these files. 
  • The files can safely be copied to another directory for processing and analysis. 
  • The file format is coded with UTF-8. When importing into analysis software, use comma as delimiter and UTF-8 as encoding.

Upload data to STATA

  1. Open STATA.
  2. Select  File > Import > Text Data > delimited * >.csv
  3. Select Browse and locate the .csv file.
  4. Select UTF–8 as text encoding. The rest of the preferences can be left untouched. 
  5. Click OK.

The data are now imported into STATA. You will find the STATA editor under Browse in the menu.

If you want to save the import command, right click it under Review pane and select Send selected to Do-file Editor. 

Screenshot of the Do-file Editor window

Save the .do file in the durable folder or in your workspace. The next time you want to import into STATA, right click the .do file and select Execute (do). New responses from Nettskjema will be shown as new lines in the file.

Data Loader reports

Data Loader generates a report summarizing all data handled. You will find this in the durable folder as a text file you can open with Wordpad or Notepad. 

The report shows how many nettskjemas that have been decrypted or processed and how many answers have been collected. 0 failed/ 0 unanncounted signals that all data have been processed and the system works properly. In the report you will find all responses collected up to the previous day. 

Codebook and variables

  • Forms belonging to the project must be coded with Nettskjema's codebook. This ensures an optimal workflow and correct import into SPSS, STATA, Excel and R. 
  • You should name your own variables and avoid the automatic naming available in Nettskjema. 
  • A form might contain a maximum of 999 variables. The maximum number of questions is therefore 999. 
  • Variable names can contain a maximum of 60 characters. The first character must be a letter, you can then mix characters and numbers. The names must be unique within one form. 
  • Variable names can't be one of the reserved words in SPSS:  ALL, AND, BY, EQ, GE, GT, LE, LT, NE, NOT, OR, TO, or WITH. 
    Read SPSS documentation. (External link)
  • Variable names in the codebook can't contain these characters: 
‘?’, ’?’, ’?’, ’;’, ’?’, ‘(’, ‘)’, ‘!’, ‘@’, ‘#’, ‘$’, ‘%’, ‘^’, 
‘*’, ‘+’, ‘=’, ‘[‘, ’]’, ‘<’, ‘>’, ‘~’, ‘`’, ‘|’, ‘-’, ‘.’, ‘:’

Start using Data Loader

Data Loader is a free supplement in TSD, as long as the demands above has been met. An admin in the TSD project can ask for activation of Dataloader and/or Filedecryptor by contacting TSD support. There must be at least one response registered in the project before Data Loader can be installed.

For projects that need advanced processing of Nettskjema responses we offer relational databases. A startup fee and a yearly fee are required. Contact us to discuss this solution.

See the TSD price list.

Contact TSD support.

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Published Sep. 1, 2021 10:08 AM - Last modified Nov. 20, 2023 2:42 PM