The Subread package is developed in The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Melbourne, Australia. It consists of a suite of programs for processing next-gen sequencing data.
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subread is free to use under GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPLv3).
module avail subread
to see which versions of subread are available. Use
module load subread/version
Build an index for the reference genome (you may provide a single FASTA file including all the reference sequences):
subread-buildindex -o my_index chr1.fa chr2.fa ...
Map single-end reads using 5 threads:
subread-align -T 5 -i my_index -r reads.txt -o subread_results.sam
Detect indels of up to 16bp:
subread-align -I 16 -i my_index -r reads.txt -o subread_results.sam
Report up to three best mapping locations:
subread-align -B 3 -i my_index -r reads.txt -o subread_results.sam
Report uniquely mapped reads only:
subread-align -u -i my_index -r reads.txt -o subread_results.sam
Map paired-end reads:
subread-align -d 50 -D 600 -i my_index -r reads1.txt -R reads2.txt -o subread_results_PE.samDetect fusions in genomic DNA sequencing data:
subread-align --reportFusions -d 50 -D 600 -i my_index -r reads1.txt -R reads2.txt -o subread_results.sam
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