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Get access to and manage resources on Colossus


Get access to Colossus

The usage of Colossus cluster is a service on demand. The project administrator can request access to the Colossus resources when applying for a  new project in TSD (i.e. in the project application form). Alternatively the administrator of an existing TSD project can request access to the resources by sending a mail to

The application will be processed within five working days after submission and the project administrator will be informed by e-mail when the Colossus cluster is accessible from the linux submit VM.

Get more CPU hours and disk on Colossus

When a project gets access to Colossus resources, it has a 200k CPU hours quota in the TSD queue.  We recommend UIO-users to apply for Sigma2 quota to get access the to the larger Sigma2 queue (tick the "Services for Sensitive Data" in the application on

Non-UiO projects will pay for the CPU hours actually used over a year (the invoice covers the usage between 1st October and 30th September the year after).

Prices for CPU hours, storage and backup on Colossus

The prices depend on the affiliation of the TSD project that in turn depends (in most cases) on the affiliation of the Data Controller.

See list of prices. 

We will invoice annually in October each year for the usage of the CPU hours in the period between October 1st the previous year and September 30th, the current year. Disk usage is invoiced for the same period. We recommend UIO-users to apply for Sigma2 quota for CPU + GPU (check "Services for Sensitive Data" in the application on

Check the usage of CPU hours on Colossus

The CPUh usage can be checked at any time by running the cost command:

$ cost
Report for account p11 on Colossus
Allocation period 2020.1 (2020-04-01 -- 2020-10-01)
Last updated on Fri Aug 28 10:36:02 2020
Account  Description              Billing hours  % of limit
p11      Used (finished)                 722.56       0.7 %
p11      Reserved (running)                0.00       0.0 %
p11      Pending (waiting)                 0.00       0.0 %
p11      Available                     99277.44      99.3 %
p11      Limit                        100000.00     100.0 %

The usage refers to a 6 month period starting October 1st  or April 1st. The yearly invoice will cover two consecutive periods.

Add the --details argument to view the per user CPUh usage:

$ cost --details
Report for account p11 on Colossus
Allocation period 2020.1 (2020-04-01 -- 2020-10-01)
Last updated on Fri Aug 28 10:24:40 2020
Account  Description              Billing hours  % of limit
p11      Used (finished)                 722.56       0.7 %
p11      Reserved (running)                0.00       0.0 %
p11      Pending (waiting)                 0.00       0.0 %
p11      Available                     99277.44      99.3 %
p11      Limit                        100000.00     100.0 %
Account  User                Used billing hours  % of limit
p11      p11-kjpe                        702.08       0.7 %
p11      p11-bartt                        20.46       0.0 %
p11      p11-bhm                           0.03       0.0 %

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Published June 21, 2021 10:35 AM - Last modified June 21, 2023 10:44 AM