News - Page 6

Published Jan. 16, 2020 8:58 AM

In the fall of 2019, the Faculty has established thematic areas in life sciences that reflect the breadth of the department's activities in the field. Together with UiO:Life Science, the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Dentistry, we will in the spring give an overall recommendation to the Rectorate on which thematic areas to be established in the free areas in the life sciences building.

Published Dec. 5, 2019 8:42 AM

Over the last 40 years a larger and larger portion of research is funded by external sources and the competition for these funds is also increasing. Our strategic advisory committee has visited us and we have got many good advices. The main question has been how the faculty shall realize the ambitious goals formulated in our strategy?

Published Dec. 5, 2019 8:40 AM

After the faculty kick-off seminar in late September, there has been a lot of activity related to the creation of the new centre. A broad range of scientific staff has prepared a description of realistic benefits in establishing the centre and assessing the centre's contribution to the Faculty’ and the University’s social mission. They have also made proposals for the centre's main focus and thematic research areas. And not least, the committee has worked out a possible centre vision.

Published Oct. 3, 2019 1:20 PM

"Knowledge development for a changing world" is the title of our strategy. When working with the strategy we discussed various topics, including what to consider when developing our organization. Here is a brief summary of what we consider to be the most important items when conducting organizational development.

Published Oct. 3, 2019 1:15 PM

Before the summer, the Faculty Board decided to establish a Center for Data Science and Computing. The aim of the center is to support international cooperation in research and education. The new center will become very important in our efforts to strengthen the Faculty’s position as an outstanding European research-intensive faculty and implement our strategy: Knowledge development for a changing world. Science and technology towards 2030.

Published Oct. 3, 2019 1:13 PM

31st of October to the 1st of November 2019 we celebrate the 50th anniversary of Odd Hassel receiving the Nobel Prize in Chemistry with events at the Science Library and at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters. The study of molecular structure has turned out to increase our understanding of how chemical processes can happen – or not happen. After 50 years this research topic is still hot, for instance in the field of medicine. 

Published Sep. 6, 2019 1:18 PM

In the fall of 2019, the new internship course at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences will begin, where selected study programs offer internship as part of the Bachelor degrees. This provides students with relevant work experience during their studies. 

Published Sep. 6, 2019 1:17 PM

The start of the semester is over and our students have been welcomed by our many dedicated study buddies and scientific and administrative staff.

Published June 6, 2019 11:02 AM

At Department of Pharmacy, we have placed the analytical chemistry teaching in a pharmaceutical context for more than 20 years. The purpose of this has been to increase the relevance for pharmacy students, and to define an international teaching reference. Recently we released a new international textbook, providing basic knowledge crucial for the quality and correct use of our pharmaceuticals.

Published June 6, 2019 10:58 AM

Life sciences represents the largest priority area at UiO. Four out of eight faculties have life sciences as their core activity, UiO:Life Science is a comprehensive strategic initiative at UiO , and from 2024 the life science building will be Norway's largest research building.

Published May 2, 2019 12:26 PM

SIRIUS is currently the sole Centre for Research-Based Innovation hosted by the University of Oslo. Its aim is to drive world-class computer science research through working with business challenges in, and beyond, the oil and gas industry. 

Published May 2, 2019 12:22 PM

On Monday, March 18, we received a visit from the Minister of Digitalization Nikolai Astrup at the opening of the Data Science Lab in 澳门葡京手机版app下载sparken. It was an inspiring meeting between researchers, established companies, entrepreneurs and the minister who has the national responsibility for nothing less than to digitize Norway.

Published Apr. 4, 2019 10:08 AM

This year the Sustainable Backpack celebrates its ten year anniversary. Since 2009, a total of 619 schools have completed school projects in order to give students management ability competence for sustainable development. The students of today have clearly proved their insight and engagement for sustainable development through the recent student strike, where they demanded “green actions” from the politicians.