Work and study environments for the future

The faculty's activities are conducted in many buildings across Blindern. Many of these buildings, especially at Nedre Blindern, including Kristine Bonnevie's house, need refurbishment. This is expensive and something the University of Oslo can never do alone. What shall we do?


Dean Morten D?hlen.


Buildings for education and research contain work and learning areas, laboratories and other spaces for scientific equipment, as well as various facilities that employees and students need in their daily lives. In this edition of the newsletter, dean of research Finn-Eirik Johansen writes about our place in the world and if we are to be among Europe's most attractive places for science and technology, we must offer good and timely facilities for all employees. Although we also have activities at the faculty that "live" in modern buildings, large parts of the faculty are in areas that are not well adapted to research and education in 2020.

The life science building

By mid 2020?s, most likely in 2024, the new life science building in Gaustadbekkdalen will be completed. This gives the faculty large new areas, primarily for chemistry and pharmacy, but also for other parts of the faculty that has acitivities that naturally belongs to UiO's commitment to life science. This is very good, but what about the big and important activities that remain at Nedre Blindern (and I include Kristine Bonnevie's house in the Nedre Blindern).

Nedre Blindern

The activities at the Faculty that do not move to the new life science building will still be on Nedre Blindern. Time flies and we must start working towards achieving a powerful modernization of the building stock at Nedre Blindern. Of course, in the strategy work through 2018, we will discuss this. We need a concept to sell to the authorities and other partners in the community to secure necessary funding for a strong rehabilitation of Nedre Blindern.

Sustainability as a concept

The present best proposal for a concept for the activites at Nedre Blindern is centered around sustainability and interdisciplinarity. We have long suggested this and we believe that it is possible to sell this concept to those who must pay for the modernization of Nedre Blindern. Our task, together with other faculties at UiO, is to produce content to the concept. Of course, we will strongly return to this during our work with the new strategy for the faculty through 2018.


We must find partners in industry and public sector, and Oslo Municipality becomes important. What happens at Marienlyst when NRK is moving will also be interesting and I have previously suggested that Marienlyst should be developed into an environmentally friendly neighborhood for students! This might be unrealistic, but it is important to see Nedre Blindern and Marienlyst together.


As this newsletter also appears when we are entering a new year, I wish you all HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Published Jan. 4, 2018 11:33 AM - Last modified Feb. 21, 2023 2:54 PM