Real news

Our first news in this renewed newsletter from the Faculty is that we have decided to continue with our monthly newsletter. The lifescience building will also be a reality, and our new students on our new bachelor programs have studied for almost two months.

Portrait of the dean, Morten D?hlen.

New monthly newsletter

As you probably already have noticed, we have changed the layout. Most of the articles will be in English (and Norwegian). There will be fewer articles in each newsletter and hopefully more REAL news important for you as an employee at the Faculty. Each month there will be one or two articles from the Department. This month we have an interesting article from the Department of Biosciences. Good reading!

The Lifescience building

The biggest news is probably that the Government has decided to finance the construction of the new lifescience building in Gaustadbekkdalen. We have an extensive and exciting job in front of us before  the new building is ready for use, say 6-7 years from now! Since a huge portion of the Faculty is moving into the new building a lot of space will also be available at Nedre Blindern. We have to make good plans for utilizing this space as well.

A drawing of the Lifescience building.
This is how the Lifescience building is supposed to look like.

The new Bachelor Programs

We have also launched the new study programs at bachelor level this fall and based on feedback from students and employees it seems to have been a very good start. I visited one of the seminars for new students at Sundvolden and the atmosphere was very good!  The picture below is the students from Dig?k-program playing the game of musical chairs (Stol-leken in Norwegian) at Sundvolden.

The Dig?k students at Sundvolden.

….and there are of course many more things that happen at the Faculty. Here we present news that is meant foremployees. Other news and important material can be found on Titan. We will in this newsletter, as efficient and short as possible, present important news and information for all employees at the Faculty.

By Morten D?hlen, dean
Published Oct. 5, 2017 11:33 AM - Last modified Feb. 20, 2018 10:38 AM