What is really innovation and external relations?

I have been asked this question many times since I started as a Vice Dean for Innovation and External Relations in October. I do not have the final answer to that question, and we will define together how we will organize the work at the faculty.

Vicedean for innovation and external relations Kristin Vinje.

Vice Dean for innovation and external relations Kristin Vinje.

More active cooperation

External relations is the systematic work we do to build, maintain and develop relationships with people, businesses and authorities that influence how the university is doing its tasks, as I see it. I think systematics is the keyword. We already have a broad and comprehensive portfolio of collaborators and projects that go far beyond university campus. About 200 small, medium and large companies in Norway are actively working with the faculty in one way or another. But, I think we can get even more if we think about what we want from this collaboration and how we will work with the various players.

Display MN's knowledge and method

We need to make sure that even more people become aware of our faculty's importance to society, and to make sure that our education provides graduates who are well-equipped for a career where both new and existing businesses or public sector are natural job choices. I am convinced that good cooperation agreements with different companies can be a strength for us in our work, while contributing to our knowledge and methods being used to solve future challenges. Our new rectorate describes this in its platform:

?UiO is a leading European research university. At the same time, we believe that UiO has an underutilized potential as an institution. We both can and must be better at playing together to fulfill our social assignment in research, teaching, dissemination and innovation, and we may and may be better off into committed cooperation with working life and institutions outside of UiO. Thus, the independent basic research, which is the foundation of UiO, can be applied in practice; Thus, the critical thinking we stand for can serve as a guideline in a society of violent change; and so we can help solve society's challenges in interaction with others. "

Education in cooperation with the business community

Innovation and external relations should be reflected in both research and education. Innovation and entrepreneurship are part of our study programs, and now we will strengthen our organization in order to boost the efforts of the entire faculty. We will also bring our history with us, Gründerskolen, for example, which has been around for 20 years. We will build on Gründerskolen and all good experiences.
Together, Vice Dean Solveig Kristensen and I will make sure that one of InterAct's visions of strengthening our candidates for working life is realized. An exciting enterprise is to offer internship in companies, and according to plan, we will start pilots already in the fall of 2018. We want to continue the business PhD program, and perhaps we should also consider the possibility of public PhD. This autumn we employ 16 innovation fellowships who will perform parts of their work in Norwegian companies at Kjeller and in the Research Park, including companies that are in the start-up phase.

Dear reader, I hope you will contact me if you have ideas, experiences or want to talk about the faculty's work on innovation and social contact. Together we will lift the work of giving our research and education practical application.

Hanne, Svein and Kristin at RealMoro 2017.
Hanne S?lna, Svein St?len and Kristin Vinje at RealMoro.


By Kristin Vinje
Published Nov. 2, 2017 11:12 AM - Last modified Feb. 20, 2018 10:38 AM