Canvas is being implemented as the new learning management system

The University of Oslo will commence using the new learning management system Canvas in the autumn semester of 2018. Canvas is an advanced system that will give us new possibilities in course development, teaching and student contact.

Vice Dean Solveig Kristensen

Vice Dean Solveig Kristensen

Fronter is being phased out

Due to the introduction of Canvas, the University will gradually stop using Fronter. This is because Fronter no longer is being developed as a learning management system. All employees will be given access to Canvas in spring 2018 so that existing teaching material can be transferred and preparations for the autumn semester 2018 can begin. UiO will offer online guidance and the faculty will organise information meetings and workshops for teachers. Fronter will be unavailable as a learning management system in the autumn semester 2018. It will, however, be possible to transfer Fronter rooms until March 2019 and with this extension, the University of Oslo is ensuring that valuable teaching contents will not be lost.

Opportunities in Canvas

  • Canvas is a modern learning management system that support modern teaching methods such as flipped classroom, peer reviews and video feedback.
  • Canvas is an intuitive and flexible assessment tool that also can give feedback on student presentations.
  • Canvas can collect student statistics that can be used to adjust teaching and support students that may need additional support.
  • Canvas is suitable for sharing, reusing and storing content. It is easy to copy whole courses, modules, pages and specific content.

Canvas pilot in spring 2018

In spring 2018 the faculty will pilot using Canvas in 21 courses across 7 departments as part of a bigger UiO pilot. Among other things, the Department of Mathematics will test marking assignments via iPad, the Department of Informatics will focus on submission of compulsory assignments and quizzes and the Department of Geosciences will test submission of video assignments in Canvas.

Training and development

The Faculty will at first focus on providing training in the basic functionality of Canvas and ensure that there are good online guidance available. Furthermore, we want to ensure that there are resource persons available at the departments to assist in the implementation. Once Canvas is well established, we will collaborate with UiOs Centre of Learning and teaching and academic staff interested in further developing the educational possibilities within this tool.

For questions concerning Canvas at the MN-faculty please get in touch with Andreas Tandberg.

By Solveig Kristensen
Published Dec. 7, 2017 11:29 AM - Last modified Feb. 20, 2018 10:38 AM