Get teachers talking science education

The Norwegian center for science education develops the online resources Realfagsl?yper to strengthen the science education competence of kindergarten teachers and teachers. Realfagsl?ypene will be a tool for local professional development and will be launched at realfagsl? in April 2018.


Science educations is fun! Piloting Realfagsl?ypene August 2017.

One of the goals in the science strategy “Tett p? Realfag” (“Science and mathematics close up”) is to improve children's and adolescents’ science skills in science through the renewal of subjects, better learning and increased motivation. How to succeed? What should be emphasized in school science? These questions govern the work of the center. After systematically mapping what is needed, the center has created its own fingerprint.

The fingerprint of the Norwegian center for science education: What are important elements in science teaching?

The aim of science education is to stimulate motivation and deep learning in science among children and adolescents. In order to achieve this, science education should be inquiry based, varied and relevant to students, and formative assessment and progression should be integrated through all school years. 

The center’s work

The Norwegian center for science education became part of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Oslo on January 1st 2018. The center aims to enhance the science teaching competence of teachers in kindergartens and schools. This is one of the other goals in the National Strategy ?Tett p? realfag?. To achieve this goal, the Norwegian center for science education has, together with the Norwegian Center for Mathematics Education, been instructed by the Directorate of Education and Training to develop Realfagsl?ypene.

Online development

Realfagsl?ypene will be online resources which can support local and collegial professional development in science. The content of Realfagsl?ypene will be mathematics and science education, linking research, theory and practice. Science education is about reflecting on how the education can help improve children's and young people's skills in science. The fingerprint of the science center is central in the development of the resources in science education.

Are you curious? From April 2018 you can visit realfagsl? and see the first competence development packages. New content will be added until 2019.

Published Jan. 4, 2018 11:35 AM - Last modified Jan. 5, 2018 10:27 AM