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Courses in Biosciences (discontinued)

Showing 1–61 of 61 courses
Course Credits
BIO4000 – Community Ecology (5 credits) 5
BIO4005 – Primate Behaviour and Ecology (10 credits) 10
BIO4021 – Methods of Gradient Analysis (10 credits) 10
BIO4050 – Population ecology in sessile organisms (10 credits) 10
BIO4070 – Plant Physiology (10 credits) 10
BIO4091 – Animal Behaviour 2 (10 credits) 10
BIO4110 – Ecological GIS modelling (5 credits) 5
BIO4115 – Distribution modelling (10 credits) 10
BIO4140 – Life-history Strategies and Climate Effects (10 credits) 10
BIO4150 – Conservation and management biology (10 credits) 10
BIO4170 – Recent literature in microbial evolutionary genomics (5 credits) 5
BIO4200 – Molecular Evolution (10 credits) 10
BIO4210 – Phylogeny and Classification (10 credits) 10
BIO4220 – Natural Selection and Adaptive Evolution (10 credits) 10
BIO4230 – Biogeography and Biodiversity (10 credits) 10
BIO4240 – Evolution and Systematics of Organismal Groups: The Animal Kingdom (10 credits) 10
BIO4250 – Evolution and systematics of organismal groups: The Plant Kingdom (10 credits) 10
BIO4260 – Evolution and Systematics of Organismal Groups: The Fungal Kingdom (10 credits) 10
BIO4270 – Evolution and Language (10 credits) 10
BIO4280 – Evolutionary Developmental Biology and Macroevolution (10 credits) 10
BIO4301 – Marine bentic ecology (10 credits) 10
BIO4310 – Limnology I (10 credits) 10
BIO4320 – Systematics and ecology of marine algae (10 credits) 10
BIO4325 – Identification of Marine Microalgae and Macroalgae (5 credits) 5
BIO4331 – Human Impact on the Marine Environment (10 credits) 10
BIO4350 – Marine Mammals (10 credits) 10
BIO4371 – Fish ecology (10 credits) 10
BIO4381 – Harmful Algae and Algal Culturing (10 credits) 10
BIO4390 – Limnology II (10 credits) 10
BIO4400 – Pelagic Ecology (10 credits) 10
BIO4500 – General Toxicology (10 credits) 10
BIO4530 – Regulatory Toxicology (5 credits) 5
BIO4540 – Human Toxicology (10 credits) 10
BIO4550 – Ecotoxicology (10 credits) 10
BIO4600 – Science Writing (5 credits) 5
BIO5000 – Introductory Course for Masterstudents (5 credits) 5
BIOS4611 – Plant Science (10 credits) 10
BIOS5113 – Conservation and management biology (10 credits) 10
BIOS5500 – Science Writing (5 credits) 5
FRM-MBV4860 – Molecular and Pharmaceutical Microbiology (10 credits) 10
MBV-INF4410 – Bioinformatics for Molecular Biology (10 credits) 10
MBV4010 – Methods in molecular biology and biochemistry I (10 credits) 10
MBV4020 – Methods in molecular biology and biochemistry II (10 credits) 10
MBV4030 – Laboratory methods in cellular biology (10 credits) 10
MBV4110 – Electron microscopy (10 credits) 10
MBV4120 – Eukaryotic Genes and Genomes (10 credits) 10
MBV4120 – Eukaryotic Genes and Genomes (10 credits) 10
MBV4130 – The biology of the prokaryotes (10 credits) 10
MBV4150 – Molecular biology of microbes - host interactions (10 credits) 10
MBV4160 – Advanced Cancer Biology (10 credits) 10
MBV4210 – Physical biochemistry (10 credits) 10
MBV4230 – Eukaryotic Transcription Factors - Structures, Function, Regulation (10 credits) 10
MBV4240 – Biochemical mechanisms in intracellular transport (10 credits) 10
MBV4250 – Basic immunology and immunological techniques (10 credits) 10
MBV4260 – Advanced immunology (10 credits) 10
MBV4270 – BIOSTRUCT - Advanced Glycobiology (10 credits) 10
MBV4310 – Comparative and Ecological Physiology (10 credits) 10
MBV4320 – Advanced Physiology and Cell Biology (10 credits) 10
MBV4330 – Experimental animal studies (5 credits) 5
MBV4340 – Advanced neurobiology (10 credits) 10
MBV4910IGEM – International Genetically Engineered Machine (10 credits) 10