Norwegian version of this page

What do I need for booking/ ordering in BookitLab?

For booking lab instruments or ordering lab services via BookitLab, a user needs to be connected to a project within BookitLab.

Step 1. Calculate Budget

If you have not yet set up a budget and a subproject to be charged for your use of an instrument/service, do the following:

  1. Calculate the cost of using the instruments/services that will be booked/ordered via BookitLab.
    • Prices are not visible on BookitLab until a user is associated with a project. Please contact the lab if the price list is not published.
    • After a user is associated with a project, BookitLab can automatically calculate the cost for each booking/order. Remember that the price varies depending on different factors such as project category (internal, contribution, or contract (or in Norwegian, "intern", "bidrag" or "oppdrag")), timeslot type (peak/off-peak time), etc.
  2. Get approval from your project manager, Primary Investigator (PI), or equivalent, who has budget responsibility for the project that will be charged for your use of instruments or ordering of services.
  3. Provide your project manager, PI, or equivalent contact information for the core admin of the core where the instruments/services you want to use/order are located.

Step 2. Project Manager/PI contacts core admin

The project manager, Primary Investigator (PI), or equivalent must contact the core admin within the core to be used with the following:

Step 3. Core admin contacts project admin

The core admin will forward user and project information to the project admin (either the project economist or institute economist associated with the faculty/institute where the project is located).

Step 4. Project admin links the user to the project

The user will receive an email when they are associated with the project and are ready to reserve an instrument or order a service.

Ref. Guide for creating projects (Norwegian only)

Now you are ready to reserve an instrument and/or order services.

Published Aug. 26, 2024 9:44 AM - Last modified Aug. 26, 2024 9:44 AM