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Order services (Requests)

Some cores offer lab-services (such as sample analysis) via BookitLab. For details of each service, please contact the core. 

Create and Submit an Order

Note! To order services, you must be linked to at least one project

  1. Click on REQUEST SERVICES in the navigation menu and then Service Requests. This will open the Requests page.Request services main menu and service requests submenu selected in the navigation menu, and the Requests page displayed in the main content area.
  2. Click the + Service Request button.
  3. Click the Service Type field to open the list of service types offered by the selected core. Choose a service you want to request.
     Modal window where you can select from a list of available service types.
  4. Select a project to be charged and click Confirm.
  5. A form will appear for you to fill out. Click the Submit button to submit it.
    • The form will be saved automatically even if you leave the page.
    • To continue filling out the form, go to the Requests page, find the form, and click on the ID number.  
    • The maximum file size that can be uploaded per order is 35 MB.

Where can you see the created forms and check the status of the order?

You can view the list of all orders and their status on the Requests page. 

All created orders will be available on the list, including those that have not been submitted.

Published Jan. 26, 2022 1:34 PM - Last modified July 26, 2024 2:50 PM