KJM-MENA4010 – Experimental methods

Course content

The course is organized jointly by many sections of the Department of Chemistry. The course is organized as a matrix where each student/supervisor pair chooses 5 themes from a list of available subjects and one module gives 2 ECTS credits. The content focuses on understanding and application of the method(s). Examples: electrical measurements, light scattering, diffusion-NMR, NMR, rheologi, molecular modelling, LC, LC-MS, LC-NMR, ICP-MS, x-ray crystallography, powder diffraction, magnetic measurements, vibration-spectroscopy, XPS, cyclic voltammetry. The number and selection of subjects offered varies each semester. Module 30 about HES and laboratory safety is mandatory and should be taken by everyone in the first semester of the master studies. Module 30 should be completed before you start the experimental work on your master project.

Overview of the modules offered in KJM-MENA4010.

Learning outcome

The student should be able to understand the principles, areas of use and limitations of the methods, and also to perform the experiments and use relevant computer programs.

Overview of the modules offered in KJM-MENA4010.


You register for modules by filling out a web form which will be open for Spring 2018 from the end of week 51. Registration on this web form is until 22.01.2018 (extended). After that date you can register for available place on modules by sending email to expedition (ekspedisjonen@kjemi.uio.no) before the teaching starts in the periode 23.01.2018-01.02.2018. For the module 1 the last deadline for registration  is one week before teaching of the module starts.

For admission to KJM-MENA4010 the applicants will be ranked as follows:

1. Students admitted to the Master's program in Chemistry or Materials, Energy and Nanotechnology (MENA), and students with relevant background in the Teacher education program.

2. Other Master program students with supervisors for The Deaprtment of Chemistry, UiO.

3. Other master program students at the Faculty of Science and Mathtematics, UiO


Formal prerequisite knowledge

The student must be admitted to a masterprogram at The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UiO, or the five year teacher education program. The students are prioritized as written under "admission".

The mandatory module, module 30, has the following formal prerequisites, which, like the module itself, must be taken during the first semester of the master study:

Some modules may also have recommended or formal prerequisites. This will be listed under the module description. Students are responsible for checking by them selve that they meet the prerequisites required for each module.


Recommended previous knowledge

Bachelor's degree in Chemistry or equivalent.


Individually and in groups. Some subjects are mainly theoretical, others are mostly practical and some have a mixture of the two. Every subject (matrix element) is normalized to a work effort of 40-50 hours of intensive work. Each subject is completed in 2 weeks. It is recommended to take the 5 modules during a period of 1/2 to 1 year, but it is possible to extend this period to 3 semesters. Module 30 "HMS and laboratory safety"  consists of faculty HSE courses (MNHMS0015 and MNHMS0020LS and MNHMS0015ES) and the Departmental HSE-training and has to be passed before the experimental work in connection with the master thesis is started.

As the teaching involves laboratory and/or field work, you should consider taking out a separate travel and personal risk insurance. Read about your insurance cover as a student.

Access to teaching

On the semester page (under the overview of the modules) it is stated whether a module is open for all students, or restricted to students which are dependent on a given instrument in their Master's thesis.


Pass/fail on each matrix element. Continuous evaluation where theoretic understanding and practical abilities are evaluated. In some subjects a small practical exam is organized. Credits are recorded when the last module is implemented.

Explanations and appeals


In order for a subject (matrix element) to be given, at least 3 students have to be registered before the closing date for the course registration.

Facts about this course

Spring and autumn

The course will be discontinued after spring 2018.

Spring and autumn
Teaching language

English if requested by English-speaking Master students, otherwise Norwegian.