Syllabus - reading requirements

Articles and extracts from books marked with an asterisk (*) are available in a compilation of texts (kompendium) which can be purchased from Gnist Akademika bookstore at the Law Faculty (Domus Nova building).

Required Readings 493 pages

Atapattu, Sumudu. (2002) “The Right to a Healthy Life or the Right to Die Polluted? The Emergence of a Human Right to a Healthy Environment under International Law”, 16 Tulane Environmental Law Journal Vol.16 p.65-89 (25 pp)

Bantekas and Oette (2016) Chapter 13 ‘The Right to Development, Poverty and Related Rights’, in 2nd edition International Human Rights Law and Practice,  Bantekas and  Oette (eds) pp. 550-597 (48 pages).

Boyle, Alan. (2012) Human Rights and the Environment: Where Next? The European Journal of International Law Vol.23 (3) p. 613-642. (30 pp)

Centre for Economic and Social Rights (2015) ‘A human rights centered policy agenda to tackle economic inequality’, ch. 2 in, From Disparity to Dignity Tackling economic inequality through the Sustainable Development Goals (CESR), pp. 14-32 (18 pages) 

Chingore, N. and Jones, P. (2013) Health Rights: Politics, Places and the Need for 'Sites for Rights', in Langford et al, Socio-Economic Rights in South Africa:Symbols or Substance: (Cambridge University Press) pp. 226- 252. [26 pages]

Farmer, Paul, Pathologies of Power: Health, Human Rights, and the New War on the Poor. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003. Chapter 1 [10 pages]

Garcia Chueca, E. (2016) ‘Human Rights in the City and the right to the city: two different paradigms confronting urbanisation’, in Oomen et al, Global Urban Justice (Cambridge University Press) pp. 103-120 [17 pages]

Haggard, Stephan ; Macintyre, Andrew ; Tiede, Lydia; The Rule of Law and Economic Development, Annual Review of Political Science, 0, 2008, Vol.11, pp.205-234 (29 pages)

Heywood, M. (2005) Shaping, Making and Breaking the Law in the Campaign for a National HIV/AIDS Treatment Plan, in Democratising Development: The Politics of Socio-Economic rights in South Africa pp.181-212 (Peris Jones & Kristian Stokke eds., 2005) (31 pp.)

Horner, R. and Hulme, D. (2017)  ‘From International to Global Development: New Geographies of 21st Century Developmen’t, Development and Change 50(2): 347–378. [31 pages]

Hyden, G?ran, ‘Making the State Responsive: Rethinking Governance Theory and Practice,’ in Goran Hyden and John Samuel (eds.), Making the State Responsive: Experience with Democratic Governance Assessments. New York: UNDP, 2011, pp. 5-28 (23pp.). 

Jones, P. S (2004) When ‘development’ devastates: donor discourses, access to hiv/aids treatment in Africa and rethinking the landscape of development, Third World Quarterly, 25:2, 385-404 [19p]

Langford, Malcolm, Andrew Sumner and Alicia Ely Yamin (eds.), The Millennium Development Goals and Human Rights: Past, Present and Future. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. Chapter 1, pp.1-29 [29 pages]

Langford, M (2018) Critiques of Human rights, Annu. Rev. Law Soc. Sci. 2018. 14:69–89[20 pages] 

McGranahan, G., Schensul, D. and Singh, G. (2016) ‘Inclusive urbanization: Can the 2030 Agenda be delivered without it?’ Environment and Urbanization, Vol 28(1): 13–34 (11 pp).

MacNaughton, G. (2017) ‘Vertical inequalities: are the SDGs and human rights up to the challenges?’ International Journal of Human Rights Volume 21, 8 pp. 1050-1072 [22 pages].

Moyn, S. (2018) ‘Introduction’, in Not Enough: Human rights in an Unequal Word (Harvard College), p. 1-11.[11 pages]

Resnick, D. (2018) Foreign Aid and Democratization in Developing Countries in The Oxford Handbook of the Politics of Development, Lancaster, C.  and van de Walle, N. (eds) pp.unnumvered (23 pages)

Sano, Hans-Otto, “Does Human Rights-based Development Make a Difference?” in Margot Salomon, Arne Tostensen and Wouter Vandenhole (eds.). Casting the Net Wider: Human Rights, Development and New Duty-bearers. Antewerp, Intersentia, 2017.pp. 66-80 (14pp)*

Uvin, P. (2007) From the right to development to the rights-based approach: how ‘human rights’ entered development. Development in Practice 17:4-5, 597-606. [9 pages]

Voorhoeve, A, et al (2016) “Three Case Studies in Making Fair Choices on the Path to Universal Health Coverage”, Health and Human rights, Vol. 18, 2, pp.  11-22. (12 pp)

Willis, K. (2005) ‘Introduction’, Theories and Practices of Development, pp. 1-35 [35 pages].


Recommended readings

You can search the articles and e-books in the e-journal database available at the University of Oslo Library. This requires having access to and being logged onto the UiO system. Contact the Law Library, Human Rights if you have problems finding the literature.

Adelman, Simon, ‘Rethinking Human Rights: The Impact of Climate Change on the Dominant Discourse,’ in Human Rights and Climate Change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010, pp.159-180

Alston, Philp, ‘Ships Passing in the Night: The Current State of the Human Rights and Development Debate Seen through the Lens of the Millennium Development Goals,’ in Human Rights Quarterly. Vol.27 (2005), pp.755-829.

Andreassen, B?rd Anders and Gordon Crawford (eds.), Human Rights, Power and Non-Governmental Action: Comparative analyses of rights-based approaches and civic struggles in development contexts. London: Routledge, 2013. Conclusion.*

Andreassen, B?rd Anders, ‘Development, Capabilities, Rights: What is New about the Right to Development and a Rights Approach to Development?’ in Morten Bergsmo (ed.), Human Rights and Criminal Justice for the Downtrodden: Essays in Honour of Asbj?rn Eide. Leiden/Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2003, pp.211-232

Barya, JJB, ‘The New Political Conditionalities of Aid: An Independent View from Africa’, in IDS Bulletin. Vol.24 (1993), pp.16-23

Beetham, David, ‘The Right to Development and Its Corresponding Obligations,’ in B?rd Anders Andreassen and Stephen Marks (eds.), Development as a Human Right: Legal, Political and Economic Dimensions. Antwerp: Intersentia, 2010, pp.101-120

Beitz, Charles, Political Theory and International Relations. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1979. Part Three, pp.125-185

Caliari, Aldo and Mac Darrow, ‘International Cooperation, MDG 8, and Human Rights,’ in Malcolm Langford, Andrew Sumner, and Alicia Ely Yamin (eds.), The Millennium Development Goals and Human Rights: Past, Present and Future. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013, pp.316-353. Read pp.327-348 [21 pages]

Campell, Tom, “Poverty as a Violation of Human Right. Inhumanity or Injustice?” in Thomas Pogge. Freedom from Poverty as a Human Right. Who owns what to the very poor? Oxford University Press and UNESCO Publishing, 2007. Ch 2.

Cheru, Fantu, ‘Goals, Rights and Political Economy: Daring to Break out of the Liberal Ideological Box!’ in Malcolm Langford, Andrew Sumner and Alicia Ely Yamin (eds.), The Millennium Development Goals and Human Rights: Past, Present and Future. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013, pp.484-502

COHRE (ed.), Listening to the Poor? Housing Rights in Nairobi, Kenya. Geneva: COHRE, 2006

COHRE, UN-HABITAT, WaterAid and SDC, Sanitation: A Human Rights Imperative. Geneva: COHRE, 2008

Commission on the Legal Empowerment of the Poor, Making the Law Work for Everyone. 2008. pp.1-39.

Davis, Kevin, Benedict Kingsbury and Sally Engle Merry (eds.), Governance by Indicators: Global Power through Classification and Rankings. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012

Fischer, Andrew, ‘The Political within the Depoliticised: Poverty Measurement, Implicit Agendas and the MDGs,’ in Malcolm Langford, Andrew Sumner and Alicia Ely Yamin (eds.), The Millennium Development Goals and Human Rights: Past, Present and Future. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013, pp.119-142

Gelbspan, Thea and Vijay K. Nagaraj, Seeding Hope? Land in the International Human Rights Agenda Challenges and Prospects. ESCR Net.2011.

Gore, Charles, ‘Beyond the Romantic Violence of the MDGs: Development, Aid and Human Rights,’ in Malcolm Langford, Andrew Sumner and Alicia Ely Yamin (eds.), The Millennium Development Goals and Human Rights: Past, Present and Future. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013, pp.382-407

Gready, P. and Jonathan Ensor (eds.), Reinventing Development? Translating Rights-based Approaches from Theory into Practice. London: Zed Books, 2005. Chapters 2-4.

Gready, Paul, ‘Reasons to Be Cautious about Evidence and Evaluation: Rights-based Approaches to Development and the Emerging Culture of Evaluation,’ in Journal of Human Rights Practice. Vol.1 (2009), pp.380-401

Grillo, R. D, ‘Discourses of Development: The View from Anthropology,’ in R. D. Grillo and R. L.

Stirrat (eds.), Discourses of Development: Anthropological Perspectives. Oxford: Berg Publishers, 1997, pp.1-33

Hickey, Sam and Diana Mitlin (eds.), Rights, Wrongs and Realities: Exploring the Potential and Pitfalls of Rights-Based Approaches to Development. Stirling, Virginia: Kumarian Press, 2009. Chapter 1

Hickey, Sam and Diana Mitlin (eds.). Rights-Based Approaches to Development. Exploring the Potential and Pitfall. Kumarian Press, 2009.

Immanuel Wallerstein. The World System Analysis. An Introduction. Duke University Press, 2004.

Joseph, Sarah. Blame it on the WTO? A Human Rights Critique. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011

Kelly, Linda and Lorraine Wapling, Development for All Strategy Mid-Term Review: Report. Canberra: AUSAID, 2013.

Langford, Malcolm, ‘Cosmopolitan Competition: The Case of International Investment,’ in Katja Aas and Cecilia Bailliet (eds.), Cosmopolitan Justice and Its Discontents. London: Routledge, 2011, pp.178–204

Langford, Malcolm, Andrew Sumner and Alicia Ely Yamin (eds.), The Millennium Development Goals and Human Rights: Past, Present and Future. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. Chapter 1, pp.1-29 [29 pages]

Langford, Malcolm, Lost in Transformation? The Politics of the Sustainable Development Goals, ROUNDTABLE: HUMAN RIGHTS AND THE POST-2015 DEVELOPMENT AGENDA

Loeb, Mitchell, ‘Disability Statistics: An Integral but Missing (and Misunderstood) Component of Development Work,’ in Nordic Journal of Human Rights. Vol.31 (2013), pp.306-325

Malhotra, Rajeev, ‘Towards Implementing the Right to development: A Framework for Indicators and Monitoring Methods,’ in B?rd Anders Andreassen and Stephen Marks (eds.), Development as a Human Right: Legal, Political and Economic Dimensions. Antwerp: Intersentia, 2010, pp.245-272

Mann, Jonathan M., Lawrence Gostin, Sofia Gruskin, Troyen Brennan, Zita Lazzarini and Harvey V. Fineberg, ‘Health and Human Rights,’ in Health and Human Rights. Vol.1 (1994), pp.1-23.

Miller, Hannah, ‘From “Rights-Based” to “Rights-Framed” Approaches: A Social Constructionist View of Human Rights Practice,’ in International Journal of Human Rights. Vol 14 (2010), pp.915-931 [15 pages]

Moene, Karl Ove and Michael Walerstein, Social Democracy as a Development Strategy. University of Oslo Department of Economics Memorandum No. 35/2003. pp.1-29

Mosse, David, ‘The Ideology and Politics of Community Participation: Tank Irrigation Development in Colonial and Contemporary Tamil Nadu,’ in R.D. Grillo and R.L. Stirrat (eds.), Discourses of Development: Anthropological Perspectives. Oxford: Berg Publishers, 1997, pp.255-291

Naval, Claire, Sylvie Walter and Raul Suarez de Miguel (eds.), 'Measuring Human Rights and Democratic Governance: Experiences and Lessons from Metagora - Special Issue', in OECD Journal on Development. Vol.9 (2008)

Nelson, Paul J. and Ellen Dorsey, New Advocacy Rights: Changing Strategies of Development and Human Rights NGOs. Washington D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2008

Nordic Trust Fund (World Bank), Human Rights and Economics: Tensions and Positive Relationships. 2012.

Nordic Trust Fund (World Bank), Human Rights Impact Assessments. 2013.

Nussbaum, Martha C. Creating Capabilities. The Human Development Approach. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 2011

OECD, Paris Declaration and Accra Agenda for Action

Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), Principles and Guidelines for a Human Rights Approach to Poverty Reduction Strategies. Geneva: OHCHR, 2006.

Ooms, Gorik, Rachel Hammons and Gregg Gonsalves, ‘The Struggle Against HIV/AIDS: Rights, Economics and Global Responsibility,’ in Malcolm Langford, Andrew Sumner and Alicia Ely Yamin (eds.), The Millennium Development Goals and Human Rights: Past, Present and Future. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013, pp.255-273

Orkin, Mark, ‘Goal 9: Democratic Governance and Accountable Institutions for Realising Human Rights,’ in Wonhyuk Lim (ed.), One World Goals: Post-2015 Development Agenda. Seoul: Korea Development Institute, 2013

Osmani, S. R., ‘Globalization and the Right to Development: Background and Progress,’ in B?rd Anders Andreassen and Stephen Marks (eds.), Development as a Human Right: Legal, Political and Economic Dimensions. Antwerp: Intersentia, 2010, pp.315-337

Minister of Health v Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) (2002) 5 SA 721 (CC) (pp 54).

Pogge, Thomas, “Severe Poverty as a Human Rights Violation” in Thomas Pogge. Freedom from Poverty as a Human Right. Who owns what to the very poor? Oxford University Press and UNESCO Publishing, 2007. Ch 1.

Rajkumar, Andrew Sunil and Vinaya Swaroop, ‘Public Spending and Outcomes: Does Governance Matter?’ in Journal of Development Economics. Vol.86 (2002), pp.96-111

Scheinin, Martin, ‘Advocating the Right to Development through Complaint Procedures Under Human Rights Treaties,’ in B?rd Anders Andreassen and Stephen Marks (eds.), Development as a Human Right: Legal, Political and Economic Dimensions. Antwerp: Intersentia, 2010, pp.338-352

Sengupta, Arjun, ‘The Human Right to Development,’ in B?rd Anders Andreassen and Stephen Marks (eds.), Development as a Human Right: Legal, Political and Economic Dimensions. Antwerp: Intersentia, 2010, pp.13-44

Skogly, Sigrun, ‘The Role of International Financial Institutions in a Rights-based Approach to the Process of Development,’ in B?rd Anders Andreassen and Stephen Marks (eds.), Development as a Human Right: Legal, Political and Economic Dimensions. Antwerp: Intersentia, 2010, pp.353-380

Stephenson, Sean, ‘Jobs, Justice, Climate: Conflicting State Obligations in the International Human Rights and Climate Change Regimes,’ in Ottawa Law Review. Vol.42 (2011), pp.155-179

UN Draft Principles on Human Rights and the Environment, UN. Doc. E/CN.4/Sub.2/1994/9 Annex I. 1994.

Published Nov. 21, 2019 1:26 PM - Last modified Jan. 16, 2020 3:39 PM