NORA0110IN – Intensive Elementary Norwegian - Level I
Course description
Course content
Intensive Elementary Norwegian level I is an intensive course offered in the summer semester. It is the first of a total of three courses that foreigners (or Norwegian citizens who do not master the Norwegian language) can take in order to meet the Norwegian language requirement for university studies in Norway.
Students work with texts and exercises relating to daily life (family, home, work, shopping, food etc.). Students practice extensively in communicative speech functions, such as greetings, asking for and providing information, and expressing opinions and feelings. Working with the main features of Norwegian phonetics and grammar is also central to this course.
Learning outcome
Students will learn: to understand clearly spoken Norwegian; to read textbooks and similar texts and to talk about subjects relating to everyday life; to pronounce Norwegian in a way that does not interfere with communication; to write about topics dealt with in the course and to express thoughts and opinions, albeit simply; and to know the basic rules of Norwegian grammar.
This course is equivalent to the courses listed above, and is also equivalent to Folkeuniversitetet's Levels 0-A2 and European levels A1-A2, but it does not automatically qualify you for a residence permit.
Norwegian courses up to a maximum of 40 credits can be used as part of a degree at the University of Oslo. Contact your department for more information.
Admission to the course
The course fee is NOK 16 100. Prices are subject to change on a year-to-year basis. UiO employees and PhD candidates are NOT exempt from the course fee.
NORA0110IN does not qualify for financial support from L?nekassen.?Full-time students at UiO, who are enrolled in a BA or MA program, are also not qualified for support from L?nekassen for NORA0110IN.
Please see our information about admission requirements and application procedures.
The application portal currently closed.
Formal prerequisite knowledge
Applicants must meet basic requirements for entrance to higher education in Norway, except in Norwegian, and to be admitted you must submit required supporting documents.
Recommended previous knowledge
No previous knowledge of Norwegian language is necessary for this beginner's course.
Overlapping courses
- 15 credits overlap with NORA0110 – Elementary Norwegian Level I.
- 15 credits overlap with ISSN0110 – Intensive Elementary Norwegian, Level I (discontinued).
- 15 credits overlap with NORINT0110BK – Betalingskurs i norsk spr?k, trinn 1 (continued).
- 15 credits overlap with NORINT0110 – Norwegian for International Students, Level 1.
- 15 credits overlap with NORINT0121 – Norsk for internasjonale studenter, intensivt begynnerkurs (trinn 1 og 2) (discontinued).
- 15 credits overlap with NORINT0110IN – Norwegian for International Students, Level 1, Intensive.
- 10 credits overlap with ISSN0110B.
- 10 credits overlap with NORINT0114 – Norwegian for International Students, 60 hour Introductory Course.
- 5 credits overlap with NORINT0111 – Norwegian for international students, level 1, part 1 (discontinued).
- 5 credits overlap with NORINT0112 – Norwegian for international students, level 1, part 2 (discontinued).
- 5 credits overlap with NORINT0113 – Norwegian for international students, level 1, part 3 (discontinued).
- 5 credits overlap with NORINT0105 – Norwegian language for International Students, introductory (discontinued).
- 5 credits overlap with EILC0111.
- 5 credits overlap with EILC0112.
- 5 credits overlap with EILC0113.
- 5 credits overlap with NORINT0105M – Introduction to Norwegian 1.
- 5 credits overlap with NORINT0106M – Introduction to Norwegian 2.
The course consists of classroom lectures, 3 hours every morning, Monday-Friday, for six weeks, for a total of 78 hours.
Classroom sessions include instruction and group work. Daily attendance and active participation in this course is expected of all participants.
Books: Elisabeth Ellingsen & Kirsti MacDonald (2018): P? vei. Norsk og samfunnskunnskap for voksne innvandrere. Tekstbok og Arbeidsbok. Oslo: Cappelen Damm.
The books can be bought at Akademika and other bookstores, they are also available in a digital format at Brettboka. Instructions for buying the digital textbook and workbook from Brettboka here.
The final exam consists of an oral and a written examination. The oral exam counts for 50% of the total grade and includes two parts: listening comprehension and spoken production.The oral exam lasts for 30 minutes. The written exam counts for 50% of the total grade and includes two parts: written production and reading comprehension. The written exam lasts for 2.5 hours. Your teacher will inform you when your oral exam will take place. There will also be information about the time and place of the written exam in Studentweb.
The guidance for examiners for the current exam is published here (NORWEGIAN ONLY).
Previous exams are available for download as a study aid.
Examination support material
No examination support material is allowed.
Language of examination
Grading scale
Grades are awarded on a pass/fail scale. Read more about the grading system.
Examination results are available three weeks after the exam, at the latest. Grades and transcripts will be available via Studentweb.
Resit an examination
Candidates may re-sit an exam free of charge if they: a) have a valid absence (doctor’s note), or b) failed the examination. A valid doctor's note must be given to the ISS office 3 working days after the exam at the latest.
Candidates who did not show up for the scheduled exam must pay a fee of NOK 2 500 to re-sit the exam.
You can take the exam up to three times. You cannot re-sit an examination if you have used the maximum number of examination attempts. Candidates who re-sit the exam must take all parts of the exam again (both written and oral exams).
Candidates who re-sit the exam may take the exam in April/May, July/August and November/December when regular exams are arranged. Candidates who are re-sitting NORA exams can also re-sit the exam in the summer semester.
To re-sit the exam, contact the ISS office by email ( during these dates:
- To re-sit in the spring semester: Contact us between January 1st - January 31st
- To re-sit in the summer semester: Contact us between June 1st - June 30th
- To re-sit in the autumn semester: Contact us between August 1st - August 31st
Please note that there are limited number of seats for the re-sit exams. You are therefore not guaranteed a seat if you register for a re-sit exam; registrations are treated on a first-come, first-serve basis. We therefore encourage you to sign up for a re-sit exam early in the registration period.
More about examinations at UiO
- Use of sources and citations
- Special exam arrangements due to individual needs
- Withdrawal from an exam
- Illness at exams / postponed exams
- Explanation of grades and appeals
- Resitting an exam
- Cheating/attempted cheating
You will find further guides and resources at the web page on examinations at UiO.