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Courses in Chemistry

Showing 1–81 of 81 courses
Course Credits
CS5960MASC – CS: Materials Science. Master Thesis (60 credits) 60
KJM-FRM5055 – Bioanalytical Chemistry II: Advanced Separation Methods (10 credits) 10
KJM-FRM9055 – Bioanalytical Chemistry II: Advanced Separation Methods (10 credits) 10
KJM-MENA5110 – Inorganic Structural Chemistry (10 credits) 10
KJM-MENA5555 – Polymers and Macromolecules (10 credits) 10
KJM-MENA9110 – Inorganic Structural Chemistry (10 credits) 10
KJM-MENA9130 – Nonstoichiometry and Phase Relations of Inorganic Solids (10 credits) 10
KJM-MENA9555 – Polymers and Macromolecules (10 credits) 10
KJM3000 – Applied Spectroscopy (10 credits) 10
KJM3010 – Undergraduate Research I (10 credits) 10
KJM3020 – Undergraduate Research II (20 credits) 20
KJM3030 – Undergraduate Research III (30 credits) 30
KJM3110 – Electrochemistry (10 credits) 10
KJM3121 – Inorganic Materials Chemistry (10 credits) 10
KJM3200 – Organic Chemistry II (10 credits) 10
KJM3310 – Physical Chemistry III - Statistical Thermodynamics for Chemistry (10 credits) 10
KJM3400 – Analytical Chemistry II - Separation Methods (10 credits) 10
KJM3810 – Catalysis and Industrial Chemistry (10 credits) 10
KJM3900 – Radioactivity (10 credits) 10
KJM4121 – Inorganic Materials Chemistry (10 credits) 10
KJM4310 – Physical Chemistry III - Statistical Thermodynamics for Chemistry (10 credits) 10
KJM4350 – Protein Crystallography (10 credits) 10
KJM4900 – Radioactivity (10 credits) 10
KJM5100 – Synthesis of Inorganic Materials (10 credits) 10
KJM5120 – Defect Chemistry and Reactions (10 credits) 10
KJM5140 – Chemistry of Battery Materials (10 credits) 10
KJM5200 – Reaction Mechanisms in Organic Chemistry (10 credits) 10
KJM5210 – Organometallic Chemistry (10 credits) 10
KJM5220 – Heterocyclic Chemistry (10 credits) 10
KJM5230 – Bioactive Molecules (10 credits) 10
KJM5240 – Mass Spectrometry (10 credits) 10
KJM5250 – Organic NMR Spectroscopy (10 credits) 10
KJM5270 – Synthetic Organic Chemistry (10 credits) 10
KJM5280 – NMR Spectroscopy (5 credits) 5
KJM5310 – Biomolecular Structure and Function (10 credits) 10
KJM5320 – BIOCAT - Structural Biology Techniques (5 credits) 5
KJM5500 – Surface and Nanochemistry (10 credits) 10
KJM5600 – Quantum Chemistry (10 credits) 10
KJM5610 – Properties of Molecules (10 credits) 10
KJM5631 – Multi-Scale Molecular Modeling (10 credits) 10
KJM5700 – Environmental Chemistry (10 credits) 10
KJM5810 – Heterogeneous catalysis (10 credits) 10
KJM5810 – Heterogeneous catalysis (10 credits) 10
KJM5903 – Radiation Protection (5 credits) 5
KJM5912 – Radiochemistry (10 credits) 10
KJM5922 – Radiochemical Measurement Techniques (5 credits) 5
KJM5930 – Chemistry, Master thesis (30 credits) 30
KJM5960 – Chemistry. Master Thesis. (60 credits) 60
KJM9100 – Synthesis of Inorganic Materials (10 credits) 10
KJM9120 – Defect Chemistry and Reactions (10 credits) 10
KJM9140 – Chemistry of Battery Materials (10 credits) 10
KJM9200 – Reaction Mechanisms in Organic Chemistry (10 credits) 10
KJM9210 – Organometallic Chemistry (10 credits) 10
KJM9220 – Heterocyclic Chemistry (10 credits) 10
KJM9230 – Bioactive Molecules (10 credits) 10
KJM9240 – Mass Spectrometry (10 credits) 10
KJM9250 – Organic NMR Spectroscopy (10 credits) 10
KJM9270 – Synthetic Organic Chemistry (10 credits) 10
KJM9280 – NMR Spectroscopy (5 credits) 5
KJM9310 – BIOCAT - Biomolecular Structure and Function (10 credits) 10
KJM9320 – BIOCAT - Structural Biology Techniques (5 credits) 5
KJM9350 – Protein Crystallography (10 credits) 10
KJM9351 – Thermodynamics (10 credits) 10
KJM9500 – Surface and Nanochemistry (10 credits) 10
KJM9600 – Quantum Chemistry (10 credits) 10
KJM9610 – Properties of Molecules (10 credits) 10
KJM9631 – Multi-Scale Molecular modeling (10 credits) 10
KJM9700 – Environmental Chemistry (10 credits) 10
KJM9810 – Heterogeneous Catalysis (10 credits) 10
KJM9810 – Heterogeneous Catalysis (10 credits) 10
KJM9903 – Radiation Protection (5 credits) 5
KJM9912 – Radiochemistry (10 credits) 10
KJM9922 – Radiochemical Measurement Techniques (5 credits) 5
MENA3001 – Functional Materials (10 credits) 10
MENA3300 – Nanotechnology (10 credits) 10
MENA5020 – Nanochemistry (10 credits) 10
MENA5960 – Materials, Energy and Nanotechnology, Master Thesis (60 credits) 60
MENA9020 – Nanochemistry (10 credits) 10
MNKOM9010 – Communicating Science (5 credits) 5
MNPED9000 – Teaching in STEM (5 credits) 5
MNSES9100 – Science, Ethics and Society (5 credits) 5