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List of all courses

Showing 501–750 of 2275 courses
Course Credits
FYS4700 – Biophysics and Medical Physics (10 credits) 10
FYS4711 – Radiation and Dosimetry (10 credits) 10
FYS4715 – Biological Physics (10 credits) 10
FYS4720 – Cellular Radio Biology (10 credits) 10
FYS4730 – Medical Radiation Physics for Radiotherapy (10 credits) 10
FYS4740 – MR-theory and Medical Diagnostics (10 credits) 10
FYS4761 – CT- and X-ray Diagnostic Techniques (5 credits) 5
FYS4762 – Medical Imaging with Ionising Radiation (10 credits) 10
FYS5120 – Advanced Quantum Field Theory (10 credits) 10
FYS5190 – Supersymmetry (10 credits) 10
FYS5210 – Solar cells (10 credits) 10
FYS5310 – Electron Microscopy, Electron Diffraction and Spectroscopy II (10 credits) 10
FYS5419 – Quantum computing and quantum machine learning (10 credits) 10
FYS5429 – Advanced machine learning and data analysis for the physical sciences (10 credits) 10
FYS5555 – Research-Based Particle Physics (10 credits) 10
FYS5960 – Physics. Master Thesis (60 credits) 60
FYS9110 – Modern Quantum Mechanics (10 credits) 10
FYS9120 – Advanced Quantum Field Theory (10 credits) 10
FYS9170 – Relativistic Quantum Field Theory (10 credits) 10
FYS9180 – Condensed Matter Field Theory (10 credits) 10
FYS9190 – Supersymmetry (10 credits) 10
FYS9220 – Real Time and Embedded Data Systems (10 credits) 10
FYS9230 – Modelling and Design of Micro- and Nanosystems (10 credits) 10
FYS9239 – Electrical Bioimpedance (10 credits) 10
FYS9250 – Biomedical Instrumentation (10 credits) 10
FYS9260 – Microsystems and Electronic Packaging and Interconnection Technologies (10 credits) 10
FYS9310 – Material Science of Semiconductors (10 credits) 10
FYS9320 – Electron Microscopy, Electron Diffraction and Spectroscopy II (10 credits) 10
FYS9340 – Transmission Electron Microscopy, Diffraction and Spectroscopy I (10 credits) 10
FYS9411 – Computational Physics II: Quantum Mechanical Systems (10 credits) 10
FYS9419 – Quantum computing and quantum machine learning (10 credits) 10
FYS9420 – Experimental Techniques in Porous and Complex Systems (10 credits) 10
FYS9429 – Advanced machine learning and data analysis for the physical sciences (10 credits) 10
FYS9430 – Condensed Matter Physics II (10 credits) 10
FYS9460 – Disordered Systems and Percolation (10 credits) 10
FYS9465 – Dynamics of Complex Media (10 credits) 10
FYS9505 – Methods and Instrumentation for Nuclear and Particle Physics (10 credits) 10
FYS9515 – Nuclear Physics I (10 credits) 10
FYS9515A – Nuclear Reactions (5 credits) 5
FYS9515B – Statistical Properties of Atomic Nuclei (5 credits) 5
FYS9525 – Advanced Nuclear Reactions and Applications in Astrophysics (5 credits) 5
FYS9530 – Subatomic Many-Body Theory II (10 credits) 10
FYS9535 – Medical Applications of Nuclear Physics (10 credits) 10
FYS9545 – Resonances in Atomic Nuclei (5 credits) 5
FYS9555 – Research-Based Particle Physics (10 credits) 10
FYS9565 – Physics and Applications of Accelerators and Beams (10 credits) 10
FYS9570 – Advanced Nuclear Structure (10 credits) 10
FYS9575 – Exotic Nuclei (5 credits) 5
FYS9580 – Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Physics (10 credits) 10
FYS9620 – An Introduction to Plasma Physics (10 credits) 10
FYS9640 – Space Weather and Navigation Satellite Systems (10 credits) 10
FYS9711 – Radiation and Dosimetry (10 credits) 10
FYS9715 – Biological Physics (10 credits) 10
FYS9720 – Cellular Radiobiology (10 credits) 10
FYS9730 – Medical Radiation Physics for Radiotherapy (10 credits) 10
FYS9740 – MR-Theory and Medical Diagnostics (10 credits) 10
FYS9761 – CT- and X-ray Diagnostic Techniques (5 credits) 5
FYS9762 – Medical Imaging with Ionising Radiation (10 credits) 10
GEO-AST3410 – Planetary Sciences (10 credits) 10
GEO-AST4410 – Planetary Sciences (10 credits) 10
GEO-DEEP9100 – Planetary Physics and Global Tectonics (5 credits) 5
GEO-DEEP9200 – Deep Earth and Planetary Mineralogy and Dynamics (5 credits) 5
GEO-DEEP9500 – Special Topics on Dynamics and Evolution of the Earth and Planets (5 credits) 5
GEO-DEEP9501 – Special Topics on Dynamics and Evolution of the Earth and Planets: Earth Magnetism and Paleogeography (5 credits) 5
GEO-DEEP9504 – Special Topics on Dynamics and Evolution of the Earth and Planets: From Small Bodies to Impact Craters (5 credits) 5
GEO-DEEP9505 – Special Topics on Dynamics and Evolution of the Earth and Planets: Heat Transfer between Rock Units (5 credits) 5
GEO-DEEP9508 – Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) (5 credits) 5
GEO-DEEP9509 – Interactions between Star-Planet Couples (from Sun-Earth to Star-Exoplanet) (5 credits) 5
GEO2130 – Structural Geology (10 credits) 10
GEO2210 – Geomorphology (10 credits) 10
GEO2310 – Meteorology (10 credits) 10
GEO2320 – Oceanography (10 credits) 10
GEO2330 – Hydrology (10 credits) 10
GEO3032 – Climate Change and Impacts (10 credits) 10
GEO3034 – Geohazards (10 credits) 10
GEO3100 – Environmental Geology (10 credits) 10
GEO3211 – Petroleum Systems (10 credits) 10
GEO3240 – Seismic Interpretation (10 credits) 10
GEO3460 – Surveying, Photogrammetry and Spatial Analysis (10 credits) 10
GEO3512 – Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere (10 credits) 10
GEO3515 – Remote Sensing of the Earth surface (10 credits) 10
GEO4012 – Scientific Writing and Presentation (5 credits) 5
GEO4014 – Basin Analysis Seminar and Field Course (10 credits) 10
GEO4034 – Geohazards (10 credits) 10
GEO4060 – Fortran 2003 programming (5 credits) 5
GEO4100 – Environmental Geology (10 credits) 10
GEO4120 – Near-Surface Geophysics (10 credits) 10
GEO4131 – Geomechanics (10 credits) 10
GEO4140 – Environmental stratigraphy (10 credits) 10
GEO4151 – Earthquake and Volcanic Processes (10 credits) 10
GEO4161 – Contaminants in the Geoenvironment (10 credits) 10
GEO4171 – Floods, Avalanches and Landslides (10 credits) 10
GEO4190 – Hydrogeology (10 credits) 10
GEO4211 – Petroleum Systems (10 credits) 10
GEO4212 – Paleozoology, Systematics and Evolution (10 credits) 10
GEO4214 – Palynology, Palaeobotany and Palaeoclimatology (10 credits) 10
GEO4216 – Sedimentology and Sequence Stratigraphy (10 credits) 10
GEO4218 – Basin Formation and Development (10 credits) 10
GEO4240 – Seismic Interpretation (10 credits) 10
GEO4250 – Subsurface Characterization (10 credits) 10
GEO4260 – Geophysical Monitoring (10 credits) 10
GEO4280 – Seismic Signal Processing and Imaging (10 credits) 10
GEO4300 – Geophysical Data Science (10 credits) 10
GEO4320 – Hydrological Modelling (10 credits) 10
GEO4340 – Fluvial Hydrology (10 credits) 10
GEO4360 – Field Methods in Hydrogeology (5 credits) 5
GEO4410 – Glacial and Periglacial Geomorphology (10 credits) 10
GEO4420 – Glaciology (10 credits) 10
GEO4432 – The Surface Energy Balance in Cold Environments (10 credits) 10
GEO4460 – Surveying, Photogrammetry and Spatial Analysis (10 credits) 10
GEO4512 – Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere (10 credits) 10
GEO4515 – Remote Sensing of the Earth surface (10 credits) 10
GEO4520 – Advanced Remote Sensing and Topographic Analysis (10 credits) 10
GEO4530 – Geodesy and Photogrammetry (10 credits) 10
GEO4620 – Seismic Waves and Seismology (10 credits) 10
GEO4630 – Geodynamics (10 credits) 10
GEO4810 – Deformation Processes and Microstructures (10 credits) 10
GEO4812 – Ore-Forming Processes (10 credits) 10
GEO4822 – Geochemistry (10 credits) 10
GEO4840 – Tectonics (10 credits) 10
GEO4850 – Basin Tectonics and Structures (10 credits) 10
GEO4901 – Atmosphere-Ocean Dynamics (10 credits) 10
GEO4901 – Atmosphere-Ocean Dynamics (10 credits) 10
GEO4902 – Numerical Weather Prediction (10 credits) 10
GEO4904 – Atmospheric Chemistry (5 credits) 5
GEO4922 – Cloud Physics (10 credits) 10
GEO4924 – Turbulence in the Atmosphere and Ocean (5 credits) 5
GEO4926 – Turbulent Boundary Layers in the Atmosphere and Ocean (10 credits) 10
GEO4928 – Clouds and Chemistry (10 credits) 10
GEO4960 – The General Circulation of the Oceans (10 credits) 10
GEO4962 – The General Circulation of the Atmosphere (10 credits) 10
GEO4964 – Upper Ocean Processes and Transport (5 credits) 5
GEO4990 – The Earth System (10 credits) 10
GEO4992 – Data Analysis and Model Evaluation Tools in Environmental and Climate Science (5 credits) 5
GEO5411 – Field Course in Glacial and Periglacial Geomorphology/Geocryology (5 credits) 5
GEO5440 – Cryospheric Modelling (5 credits) 5
GEO5450 – Cryospheric Processes in the Nordic Region (5 credits) 5
GEO5540 – Special topics in remote sensing and terrain analysis (5 credits) 5
GEO5550 – Seminar on Current Topics in Geoscience (5 credits) 5
GEO5680 – Floating University: Marine Expedition in Lake Baikal (5 credits) 5
GEO5681 – Floating University: Marine Expedition to Barents Sea (5 credits) 5
GEO5682 – Azerbaijan Summer School: Mud Volcanism and Petroleum Systems (5 credits) 5
GEO5900 – Chemical Processes in Soil and Ground Water (10 credits) 10
GEO5911 – CO2 storage - Physical and chemical processes (5 credits) 5
GEO5915 – Ecological Climatology (10 credits) 10
GEO5960 – Geosciences. Master Thesis (60 credits) 60
GEO9131 – Geomechanics (10 credits) 10
GEO9151 – Earthquake and Volcanic Processes (10 credits) 10
GEO9200 – Basin analysis – principles and applications (10 credits) 10
GEO9260 – Geophysical Monitoring (10 credits) 10
GEO9280 – Seismic Signal Processing and Imaging (10 credits) 10
GEO9300 – Geophysical Data Science (10 credits) 10
GEO9320 – Hydrological Modelling (10 credits) 10
GEO9411 – Field Course in Glacial and Periglacial Geomorphology/Geocryology (5 credits) 5
GEO9420 – Glaciology (10 credits) 10
GEO9432 – The Surface Energy Balance in Cold Environments (10 credits) 10
GEO9440 – Cryospheric Modelling (5 credits) 5
GEO9450 – Cryospheric Processes in the Nordic Region (5 credits) 5
GEO9520 – Advanced Remote Sensing and Topographic Analysis (10 credits) 10
GEO9530 – Geodesy and Photogrammetry (10 credits) 10
GEO9540 – Special topics in remote sensing and terrain analysis (5 credits) 5
GEO9550 – Seminar on Current Topics in Geoscience (5 credits) 5
GEO9620 – Seismic Waves and Seismology (10 credits) 10
GEO9630 – Geodynamics (10 credits) 10
GEO9680 – Floating University: Marine Expedition in Lake Baikal (5 credits) 5
GEO9681 – Floating University. Marine Expedition to Barents Sea (5 credits) 5
GEO9682 – Azerbaijan Summer School: Mud Volcanism and Petroleum Systems (5 credits) 5
GEO9812 – Ore-Forming Processes (10 credits) 10
GEO9822 – Geochemistry (10 credits) 10
GEO9840 – Tectonics (10 credits) 10
GEO9850 – Basin Tectonics and Structures (10 credits) 10
GEO9900 – Chemical Processes in Soil and Ground Water (10 credits) 10
GEO9901 – Atmosphere-Ocean Dynamics (10 credits) 10
GEO9902 – Numerical Weather Prediction (10 credits) 10
GEO9904 – Atmospheric Chemistry (5 credits) 5
GEO9911 – CO2 Storage - Physical and Chemical Processes (5 credits) 5
GEO9915 – Ecological Climatology (10 credits) 10
GEO9922 – Cloud Physics (10 credits) 10
GEO9924 – Turbulence in the Atmosphere and Ocean (5 credits) 5
GEO9926 – Turbulent Boundary Layers in the Atmosphere and Ocean (10 credits) 10
GEO9928 – Clouds and Chemistry (10 credits) 10
GEO9960 – The General Circulation of the Oceans (10 credits) 10
GEO9962 – The General Circulation of the Atmosphere (10 credits) 10
GEO9990 – The Earth System (10 credits) 10
GEO9992 – Data Analysis and Model Evaluation Tools in Environmental and Climate Science (5 credits) 5
GRE2401 – Greek Epic Poetry (10 credits) 10
GRE2402 – Greek Non-Fiction Prose (10 credits) 10
GRE2404 – Greek Historiographers (10 credits) 10
GRE2405 – Greek Drama (10 credits) 10
GRE2410 – Greek Lyrical Poetry (10 credits) 10
GRE4102 – Greek Palaeography and Textual Criticism (10 credits) 10
GRE4103 – Greek Linguistics (10 credits) 10
GRE4110 – History of the Greek language (10 credits) 10
GRE4190 – Master's Thesis in Greek (30 credits) 30
GRE4308 – Byzantine Greek (10 credits) 10
GRE4309 – Neo-Ancient Greek Texts (10 credits) 10
GRE4317 – Greek Prose I (10 credits) 10
GRE4318 – Greek Prose II (10 credits) 10
GRE4319 – Greek Poetry I (10 credits) 10
GRE4320 – Greek Poetry II (10 credits) 10
GRE4400 – Reading Greek Texts and Project Development in Greek (10 credits) 10
GRE4410 – Greek Research Seminar I (10 credits) 10
GRE4411 – Greek Research Seminar II (10 credits) 10
HECON4000 – Basic Mathematics for Health Economists (2 credits) 2
HECON4100 – Fundamentals of Health Economics (5 credits) 5
HECON4210 – Demand for health and health insurance (5 credits) 5
HECON4220 – Paying Providers of Health Care (5 credits) 5
HECON4230 – Optimal regulation (5 credits) 5
HECON4250 – Cost and Efficiency Analyses of Health Care Providers (5 credits) 5
HELSEF4407 – Health Literacy (5 credits) 5
HELSEF4410 – Introduction to Qualitative Methods (5 credits) 5
HELSEF4510 – Medical and Health Related Research Ethics (5 credits) 5
HEM4390 – Master Thesis (30 credits) 30
HES9280 – Medical Anthropology: Current themes and theories (5 credits) 5
HES9320 – Medical history: sources, methods and historiographic questions (3 credits) 3
HES9325 – Register-based epidemiology (3 credits) 3
HES9355 – Reproductive and sexual health and rights in global health (3 credits) 3
HEVAL4200 – Fundamentals of economic evaluation in health care (5 credits) 5
HEVAL5120 – Modeling in economic evaluation I (5 credits) 5
HEVAL5130 – Modeling in economic evaluation II (10 credits) 10
HEVAL5200 – Topics in economic evaluation (5 credits) 5
HFILN9001C – PhD course in Linguistics/Philology (5 credits) 5
HFILN9001D – PhD course in linguistics/philology (3 credits) 3
HFILN9012 (5 credits) 5
HFILN9015 – PhD course in linguistics/philology/literature (5 credits) 5
HFIMK9002 – Photofake (5 credits) 5
HFIMK9003 – Controversies surrounding media and identities (3 credits) 3
HFIMV9052 – Music and Machine Learning (5 credits) 5
HFIMV9053 – Motion Capture (5 credits) 5
HFIN4210 – Finance and Investment (10 credits) 10
HGO4010 – Qualitative method (10 credits) 10
HGO4011 – Philosophy and methodology of human geography (10 credits) 10
HGO4020 – HGO Internship (10 credits) 10
HGO4040 – Individual reading list (10 credits) 10
HGO4080 – Master Thesis 30 Credits (30 credits) 30
HGO4090 – Master Thesis 60 Credits (60 credits) 60
HGO4201 – Urban geographical theory (10 credits) 10
HGO4202 – Urbanism - urban policies and planning (10 credits) 10
HGO4203 – Sustainable Urban Transformations (10 credits) 10
HGO4301 – The Social Dimensions of Environmental Change (10 credits) 10
HGO4302 – Transformations to sustainability (10 credits) 10
HGO4401 – Democratization and civil society in developing countries (10 credits) 10
HGO4501 – Development (10 credits) 10
HGO4601 – Economic geography: Institutions, evolution and sustainability transitions (10 credits) 10
HGO4604 – The futures of work (10 credits) 10
HGO4605 – Transformations in the global economy: value chains and production networks (10 credits) 10
HGO4940 – Advanced Geographic Information Systems (10 credits) 10
HGO4941 – Advanced Spatial Data Analysis (10 credits) 10
HGOV4100 – Fundamentals of Health Care Systems (5 credits) 5
HIS2112 – Imperium Romanum (10 credits) 10