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More about two-factor authentication (2FA)

A password can go astray in various ways. The risk is particularly great if you use the same username and password on several different websites or services. Two-factor authentication provides an extra level of security in this context.

What is two-factor authentication?

Two-factor authentication means that you use two factors (proof) to confirm your identity when logging in to a service.

Two-factor authentication uses two of the following three main methods:

  • something you know - for example a password or a pin-code
  • something you have - for example one-time codes or phone notifications
  • something you are - for example, biometric data, such as fingerprints or a face

At UiO, we primarily use the first two methods, ie. your password and your mobile phone with an authentication app (alternatively codes via SMS).

The use of two-factor authentication makes it significantly more challenging for unauthorized people to gain access when usernames and passwords are awry. Two-factor authentication thus becomes an extra layer of security that can prevent access and misuse of your user account.

Why do I have to use two-factor authentication?

The reason for this is that we have more security threats now than ever before, and a password by itself isn't considered safe enough.

Where am I required to use two-factor authentication?

Two-factor authentication is firstly activated on Microsoft 365 services (for example Teams). However, over time it will be activated for other services as well.

What does this mean for me? 

Two-factor authentication means that you add an extra element of confirmation while logging in, similar to how you would log into your bank account, where you use an authenticator chip or your phone in addition to a password. Once in a while you will be asked to identify yourself while logging in or while logged in, for example in Teams. We recommend you use Microsoft Authenticator.

How do I start using two-factor authentication?

You will be asked to approve a login attempt. We recommend using Microsoft Authenticator, as this is the easiest method for two-factor authentication.

I do not have/do not want to use a smartphone for two-factor authentication. What do I do?

If you are unable or do not want to use a smartphone to authenticate yourself, you may choose alternative solutions. On your computer you may use Enpass (Additional functionality as it is a password manager)

Published Feb. 22, 2022 1:23 PM - Last modified Feb. 26, 2024 9:00 AM