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Two-factor authentication with Enpass on your computer

Install Enpass and use it for two-factor identification without a mobile phone.

On Windows and Macs managed by UiO, Enpass can be downloaded from Software Center (SCCM) and Managed Software Center (MSC), respectively.

The program can otherwise be downloaded from the Enpass website.

View tutorials for how to set up and use Enpass.

Prepare two-factor authentication on your computer

  1. When you get the alert More information required, you must activate two-factor authentication (2FA) in order to continue using the service. Click Next to start the activation process.

    Skjermbilde: More information required
  2. Choose I want to use a different authenticator app.

    Screenshot of the dialog box: Start by getting the app
  3. Open Enpass. Click the plus sign to add an account and choose Login.

    Skjermbilde av Enpass - Legg til login konto
  4. Choose the template Default.
  5. You can name the entry in Enpass UiO. Enter your username and password.
  6. Click Next in the setup wizard in your browser.

    Screenshot of setup wizard - set up your account
  7. On the QR code page, click Can't scan the image?

    Screenshot setup wizard - Can't scan image
  8. A Secret key is displayed in the setup wizard. Enter or copy it in the One-time code (Enter secret key) field in Enpass. Finish by clicking Next.

    Screenshot of setup wizard: Secret key
    Skjermbilde av Enpass: Opprett UiO-konto med hemmelig n?kkel
  9. Enpass now generates a code.Screenshot of the code generator in Enpass


  10. Enter the one-time code from Enpass in the setup wizard and click Next.

    Screenshot of setup wizard: Enter verification code

  11. Press Done to exit.

    Screenshot of setup wizard - Setup successful

    Enpass is available for the platforms Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS and Android, and is approved for syncing to the Enpass Vault, ensuring that your passwords are available on both your phone and your computer.


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Published Apr. 19, 2022 11:35 AM - Last modified June 17, 2022 1:39 PM