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Outlook Mobile for iOS og Android

With Outlook Mobile, you can:

  • Read and write emails
  • Add appointments to your own calendar
  • Create, send, and receive meeting invitations (including digital meetings in Teams and Zoom)
  • Gain overview and access to documents you collaborate on with others

Using Outlook Mobile requires two-factor authentication. Please refer to the guides on how to set up two-factor authentication.


  • Those who have a company phone install Outlook Mobile from Workspace One.
  • Others are requested to install the application from the Apple App Store and Google Play.

Getting started

Outlook Mobile is an email and calendar program that can be used by employees and students at UiO who have email and calendar in Microsoft 365.

What can I store and send in Outlook Mobile?

Email and calendar are only approved for green and yellow data. Red data can be sent internally at UiO, but only in emails with sensitivity label.


Only for email accounts in MS365

Outlook Mobile can only be used for email accounts in Microsoft 365. Nearly all email accounts at UiO are in Microsoft 365. If you are unsure whether your email is in MS365, you can check it as follows:

  • Go to → If you see a login window and can log in, your account is in MS365. If you are asked to click on a link to be redirected, you are on the old solution and cannot use Outlook Mobile.

Help and guides

Search the user manual