Norway Life Science 2025
Norway Life Science 2025: From Health Data Access to Value and Groundbreaking Research
Can artificial intelligence coupled with health data be the answer to tomorrow's challenges in healthcare, leading to new services and treatments, and make the Norwegian health industry internationally competitive and attractive for significant investments? We summarize the current status and discuss the way forward.
Join Norway's most important conference for life sciences
Attend presentations by international keynote speakers from world-leading industry, research, and innovation, panel debates, parallel sessions, and take advantage of the opportunity to expand your professional network. Join us finding solutions that will provide Norway with greater returns on the substantial investments in health data and research.
Welcome to the Norway Life Science Conference 2025!
Go to the programme
Talks - Debates - Parallel Sessions - Reception in Oslo City Hall
Go to the programme
Plenary Sessions - Young Talents - Parallel Sessions - Morning Coffee Meeting - Pitching Session
Go to registration
Registration for the programme at Meet Ullevaal 11 and 12 February and the reception at Oslo City Hall is full. It is no longer possible to sign up.
Side events 12–14 February
Events organized by co-organizers and partners. Some require registration. In that case, you must register through the registration link on the event's website. More events will be published soon.
Practical information
- The conference is free to attend for visitors, registration is required
- Venue 11–12 February will be Meet Ullevaal, Ullevaal Stadion. These events were not live streamed.
- Side events 12 - 14 February will be on different locations in Oslo.
If you have questions about Norway Life Science Conference 2025, feel free to contact us by e-mail:
Industry Partners
About the conference
Norway Life Science is the leading conference for life sciences in Norway. We connect leading researchers with industrial innovators, visionary leaders and strategic minds.
We want to showcase excellent research and inspire to the development of new ideas. With ground-breaking research and collaboration, we aim to stimulate to the emergence of a new Norwegian health industry, and support Nordic solutions to global challenges.
In 2023, the University of Oslo relaunched the conference as an Oslo Science City Arena event together with our partners.