Programme 12 February

Graphics Norway Life Science 12 February.

08:15–08:45 Morning coffee meeting: Health Summit – Muligheter i det Japanske markedet

Organizer: Innovation Norway

09:00–09:55 Norway, the Nordics and Europe: How to deliver tomorrow's healthcare?

In this session we will address the challenges we are facing in the healthcare system, showcase how health data and AI can be a tool in how to handle these challenges and discuss how to implement the innovation needed for the changes to happen.

Malene Fisher, Research Director at Rikshopsitalet.
Photo: Lars Bech

Are the healthcare systems prepared to meet the challenges we are facing?

Malene Fisher, Research Director, Rigshospitalet, Denmark


Excellence in the Nordics brings solutions to the future healthcare

Peter SpeyerCase 1: How can health data and AI improve population health and inequities
Peter Speyer, Head of Data, Analytics & AI, Novartis Foundation



Bildet kan inneholde: person, ansikt, ?ye, snipp, rynke.Case 2: Opportunities in AI-powered tools to predict personalized treatment to patients
Sigbj?rn Smeland, Head of Division, Oslo University Hospital


Panel discussion: The challenge of changing the healthcare system

Saliba Andreas KorkuncCathrine Lofthus.Trygve Ottersen.Peter SpeyerMalene Fisher, Research Director at Rikshopsitalet.

Bente Mikkelsen
Bente Mikkelsen, Oslo Science City

Event organizer: LMI (Association of Pharmaceutical Industry in Norway)

09:55–10:00 Break

10:00–11:00 Norway, Nordics, Europe - Research-driven innovation

The need for new solutions in health is enormous, and Norway and the Nordic countries have strong research base in the field. Can we contribute to increased innovation in life sciences and health?

Norwegian policy for the health industry 

Cecilie Myrseth, Minister of Trade and Industry.

Keynote by
Cecilie Myrseth, Minister of Trade and Industry
Photo: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

A need for an ambitious strategy for the Life Sciences

Ida Sofie Jensen, LIF DanmarkPresentation of the Danish life science strategy towards 2030
Ida Sofie Jensen, CEO LIF Danmark




Friedemann Janus, Bayer.An investment perspective on the European competitiveness in the life sciences
Friedemann Janus, SVP, Head of Business Development & Licensing, Co.Lab, Regional and Divestitures, Bayer


Panel discussion: Are we prepared to do what it takes to succeed?

According to a quote attributed to Albert Einstein, the definition of insanity is doing the same over and over again and expecting different results. What do we need to do differently to increase innovation and value creation, and do we have the will to do what is needed?

Sveinung StenslandIda Sofie Jensen, LIF DanmarkSvein St?len, UiO.Leif Rune Skymoen.Per Niederbach, Innovation Norway.
Photo Stensland: Parliament. Photo: Niederback: Agnete Brun.

Idar Kreutzer, NHO.Moderator:
Idar Kreutzer, Area Director, NHO


Event organizer: LMI (Association of Pharmaceutical Industry in Norway)

11:00–12:30 Young Talents Inspirational Talks

11:00–11:20 Break

11:20–12:30 Parallel Sessions

Precision Medicine and Diagnostics – Evolving for Future Applications

This session explores current applications and future potential for precision medicine and diagnostics, highlighting recent innovations and advancements.

  • Automatically AI Generated Liver and Heart Hologram for Surgical Planning and Guidance
    ?smund A. Fretland, Consultant, Henrik Brun, Consultant Pediatric Cardiologist and Postdoc Researcher, and Ole Jakob Elle, Professor/Group Leader Oslo University Hospital
  • Implementing Precision Cancer Medicine into Public Health Care Systems in Europe
    Live Fagereng, Project Manager of the EU-project PRIME-ROSE and Coordinator, OUS Centre for Precision Cancer Medicine 
  • Next-Gen Diagnostics for Next-Gen Therapies in Cancer
    ?smund Flobak, Associate professor, NTNU, Senior researcher at SINTEF and Consultant Oncologist The Cancer Clinic, St. Olav’s Hospital
  • NeoMedSys – a Platform for Bringing Medical AI to the Clinic for Tomorrow’s Precision Medicine
    Atle Bj?rnerud, Professor University of Oslo & Group Leader, Oslo University Hospital  
  • AI Integration in the Pharmaceutical Industry: Advancements in Precision Medicine and Oncology Drug Development 
    Hege Edvardsen, Medical lead Oncology, GSK Norway and Co-Chair CONNECT Public-Private Partnership

Chair: Kjetil Taskén, Head Institute for Cancer Research, Oslo University Hospital & Professor University of Oslo 

Event organizer: Oslo University Hospital, Oslo Cancer Cluster and SINTEF

Health Data and AI for Sustainable Healthcare

This session emphasizes the transformative potential of AI and data-driven insights in shaping a resilient and sustainable healthcare system.

  • Real-World Health Data from Hospitals – Important for Quality and Research
    ?slaug Helland, Professor, Group leader, Oslo University Hospital 
  • Digital Twins in Healthcare: Freeing Up Time for Patient Care in Hospital Wards
    Frode Strisland, Senior Research Scientist, SINTEF Digital & and Assoc. Professor, University of Oslo 
  • A Clinical Trial with AI in Early Stage Colorectal Cancer
    Andreas Kleppe, Researcher, Oslo University Hospital 
  • Pan-Cancer Tumour Segmentation with Deep Learning
    Ole-Johan Skrede, Head Engineer, Oslo University Hospital
  • Accelerating vaccine design through Deep Learning and B-Cell epitope predictions
    Ioannis Vardaxis, Data Scientist, B-Cell Project Manager, NEC OncoImmunity and Matheus Ferraz, Structural Bioinformatician, NEC Bio Therapeutics 

Chair: Morten Dalsmo, Executive Vice President, Customers and Market, SINTEF

Event organizer: SINTEF, Norway Health Tech and Oslo University Hospital

Technology outlook – the future of AI and robotics for the health sector

The session will have presentations covering major opportunities and challenges for the use of AI in the health sector.

  • When will a robot treat us instead of a medical doctor?
    Jim T?rresen, Professor, University of Oslo
  • Can a large language model predict the efficacy of a treatment for individual patients
    Simen Eide, AI developer and researcher, Schibsted and Kristian Svendsen, Pharmacoepidemiologist, Nordic RWE 
  • The near future of machine learning and how this could impact your health
    Alvaro K?hn Luque, Senior Researcher and Valeria Vitelli, Associate Professor, University of Oslo
  • How AI engineering will be a crucial to succeed with integrating AI models into the large and complex IT systems of the health sector Antonio Martini, Professor, University of Oslo
  • Title of presentation TBA
    Lars Nordbryhn, IBM Quantum Ambassador, IBM

Chair: Geir Kjetil Sandve, Professor, University of Oslo 

Event organizer: dScience

12:30–13:30 Lunch

13:30–15:00 Afternoon Sessions

Real-World Evidence on Pharmaceuticals – Capitalizing on Norwegian health data

13:30–13:45 Real world studies at UIO – capitalizing on Norwegian health data by Hedvig Nordeng

13:45–14:00 Why focus on methods is crucial by Angela Lupattelli

14:00–14:15 Federated Data Analysis: Experiences from the Darwin Project by Daniel Morales

Five applied case examples

14:15–14:30 Emulating target trial design – vaccine effectiveness in pregnancy by Mahmoud Zidan

14:30–14:45 Sequential trials in pregnancy – Per-Protocol Effects in complex scenarios by Anteneh A. Desalegn

14:45–15:00 Break

15:15–15:30 ITSA - a tool to study public health intervention by Nhung Trinh

15:30–15:45 Incorporating genetic and epigenetic data into pharmacoepidemiological studies by Kristina Gervin

15:45–16:00 The UiO Pregnancy Algorithm by Hedvig Nordeng

PharmacoEpidemiology and Drug Safety (PharmaSafe) - Department of Pharmacy, UIORealArt convergence environment


Young Talents Network Meetings 

You will have the opportunity to meet representatives from companies. 

Note that you need to register for Network meetings in order to attend (same registration form).

Go to the programme

BioInnovation Institute: What our first 100 academic founders taught us about entrepreneurship

Bobby Soni, BioInnovation Institute.Bobby Soni, Chief International Officer, BioInnovation Institute, Copehagen

Photo: BioInnovation Institute & Esben Z?llner Olesen.


Pitching Session

Join when startup companies and innovation projects pitch their business idea. 

  • Startups and innovation projects will be announced later


  • Will be announced later

Host: Morten Egeberg, Leader SPARK Norway and Administrative Leader UiO:Life Science


Go to the registration form.

The programme is subject to changes.

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