The participants had five minutes each to pitch their business idea. Afterwards a jury, which consisted of Nina Aalén D?rre, VP, CMC Radiopharm Lead in Bayer, Jamie Cameron, Head of Medical Affairs, Novo Nordisk and Torunn Wendel, Business Unit Head in GSK, asked them questions.
There was strong competition among the participants, presenter Morten Egeberg, leader of UiO:Life Sciences' innovation programme SPARK Norway, said that he was very impressed by the level among the participants. The jury faced challenges in determining who to award the top position, leading to a shared first place between Klyv Therapeutics represented by Maria Vistnes, Christian Kersten from AKIGAI, and Torbj?rn Furuseth from DoMore Diagnostics.
The prizes were mentoring sessions from the sponsors Bayer, Novo Nordisk and GSK.
- Klyv Therapeutics
Maria Vistnes, CEO - DoMore Diagnostics
Torbj?rn Furuseth, CEO - Epi-transcriptomic Anti-Cancer Drug Development
Adam Filipczyk, Project Group Leader, Oslo University Hospital - DuctMimic
Henry Hoyle, CEO - Augere Medical
Jon Hoem, CEO - AKIGAI
Christian Kersten, CEO
- Torunn Wendel, Business Unit Head, GSK
- Nina Aalén D?rre, VP, CMC Radiopharm Lead, Bayer
- Jamie Cameron, Head of Medical Affairs, Novo Nordisk
Morten Egeberg, Leader SPARK Norway and Administrative Leader UiO:Life Science