11:00–12:30 Young Talents 2025

– Career opportunities beyond academia

Banner Young Talents

This seminar is created for PhD students, postdocs and Master?s students in life sciences at the University of Oslo and NMBU.You will hear inspirational talks from people who have made careers outside academia. And get advice on how to build your own career.

Go to registration

To attend, you need to register for Norway Life Science. The registration is full. It is no longer possible to sign up.


?se GornitzkaFinn-Arne Weltzien, NMBU.

Inspirational talks by professionals who have made careers outside academia

  • Torunn Elisabeth Tjelle, Special Advisor, Norwegian Cancer Society (Kreftforeningen)

  • Syed Nuruddin, Senior Researcher and Preclinical Research Manager, Norwegian Medical Cyclotron Center 

  • Linn W Stockinger, Public Affairs Manager, GSK
  • Hussain Shakeel Butt, Scientist, Curida
  • Ingrid Konstanse Ledel Solem, Research Scientist, SINTEF

  • Geir ?ge L?set, CEO and CSO, Nextera AS

Chair: Gisle Hellsten, Senior Adviser, University of Oslo

Torunn Tjelle, KreftforeningenSyed Nuruddin.Linn W Stockinger, GSK.Hussain Shakeel Butt, Curida.Ingrid Konstanse Ledel Solem, SINTEF.Geir ?ge L?set, Nextera.Gisle Hellsten, University of Oslo.



12:30–13:30 Lunch

13:30–15:00 Network Meetings

After lunch, there will be network meetings. You will have the opportunity to meet representatives from the following companies (to be updated). Please note that the logos are clickable:

Abbvie logo

Image may contain: Font.

Awa logo

Bayer logo

Bristol Myers Squibb logo

Logo Cicero.

Curida Diatec logo

DNV logo

Edence Health logo. Fürst logo.
GE Health Care logo

Grafton logo.

Logo Grein DX.

The GSK logo

Norsvin logo Nordic REW logo.

Novartis logo

Logo Novo Nordisk

Pfizer logo

Pharmaq logo.

Quatify Research logo SERO logo
Simula logo SINTEF logo

Smerud Medical Research logo

Syklotron senteret logo

Thermo Fisher Scientific Tine logo




This event is organized by the University of Oslo in cooperation with Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU).