
Published Dec. 11, 2013 11:03 AM

(Not too late yet!)

Published Dec. 5, 2013 5:05 PM
Published Nov. 20, 2013 2:35 PM

A correction is done to problem 9-05 d, new corrected version now availible.

Published Nov. 20, 2013 9:28 AM

Proposed solutions to seminar 11 are now published.

Published Nov. 17, 2013 3:27 PM

Proposed solutions to seminar 10 are now published, with the promised corrections done.


Published Nov. 14, 2013 11:33 AM

The review lecture is booked to the 12th of December (that's in four weeks), at 12.15.  The usual place. Requests for review topics are welcome - to the contact students or to me (= Nils).

I do not have access to update the times in the schedule, so you have to update your (electronic) calendars yourselves: 

  • there are no more ordinary lectures. Only this one.
  • the last seminar is next week as scheduled.
Published Nov. 13, 2013 9:41 PM

I have added a link to the 2012 exam. One suggestion could be to leave it unseen until after the last seminar, then allocate three hours to do it. 

Published Nov. 13, 2013 4:50 PM

I have uploaded a few pages to . 

They first review continuous-time optimization, but then at the end they do touch Thursday's topics. The lecture will not assume that you have read them in advance.

Published Nov. 13, 2013 10:23 AM

Seminar problems for week 47 are now published. Note that this is the final seminar.

Published Nov. 12, 2013 9:09 AM

On the Wednesday lecture of this week, Espen will cover more on sufficient conditions for the Maximum principle, as well as doing some comparative statics (i.e. shadow price formulation).


Then, on Thursday, Framstad will step in and conclude the lecturing on Control theory. Depending on what time permits, topics that might be covered are  (I) current value-formulation, (II) horizon as choice variable, and (III) infinite horizon.


There will be a review lecture, time to be discussed on Thursday.  It could be convenient to do that one after your other exams -- make sure you know your schedules.

Published Nov. 7, 2013 10:31 AM

Seminar problems for week 46 are now published.

Published Oct. 28, 2013 6:55 PM

Seminar problems for week 45 are now published.

Published Oct. 28, 2013 1:28 PM

I did a mistake on the blackboard during the seminar lecture today (monday). As was noted, my solution to the second degree polynomial equation was a little bit strange, and in fact it was wrong.


Correction: in the formula for m_1 and m_2 from Case I inside the box, you should include 1/2 right after the +/- sign. By looking up the formula in Syds?ther et al. you will see the correct form if you prefer to verify.


This mistake does not have an effect on anything else lectured.



Published Oct. 23, 2013 11:08 AM

Next week (week 44), the following changes occur:


Lectuce on wednesday (October 30th) is canceled.

Instead, the lecture will be held during the time of seminars, which means I will be holding the same lecture both on monday and tuesday at the time and place of the usual semiars. Also, this lecture will only last for 1 hour.

There will be no seminar problems for next week, but of course you shold still independently practise exercises, for instance from Syds?ter et al.


Then everything else goes according to plan.





Published Oct. 23, 2013 10:59 AM

I have decided to start publish my proposed solutions to seminar problems on the web. They are hand written, and probably contain errors. If you discover errors, I would be happy to get an email informing about this, so that this can be corrected.



Published Oct. 18, 2013 7:30 PM

I have discovered that there is one too many seminar on the schedule. The upcoming is on, and Espen will announce the changes in next week's lecture. 

We might also have to move a lecture. Again, Espen will announce this.

- Nils

Published Oct. 17, 2013 12:54 PM

Likely problem for the next one:

Anything left-over from this

1-12 (for review)

Published Oct. 16, 2013 12:27 PM

I have posted an updated note containing

  • Recipe for the linear 2-dimensional system, extended from what was posted at 0915, and in a slightly different approach than in the lecture;
  • The example with trigs - the error I made was only on the final line. Here it is done differently (a bit more work but maybe more foolproof).
  • The eigenvalue-based solution with the example from the lecture
  • Examples to be covered tomorrow!
Published Oct. 10, 2013 10:28 AM

I did some changes to the suggestion, broadening the problem types a little bit.

Update I: Added a bit of 7-01.
Update II: For the following week, I will most likely assign the rest of section 7 from the compendium, except 7-02.  Maybe also something on proof by induction.

Published Oct. 3, 2013 10:46 AM
  • Seminar problems are posted. Some changes relative to the preliminary suggestions.
  • A glitch in next week's lecture schedule corrected. Thanks to the (contact) student who alerted me.
  • Suggestion for seminar 7: Have a look at last year's sixth set.
Published Sep. 26, 2013 10:51 AM

As was pointed out, I was about to re-assign problems again. Therefore, the problems I have now assigned, are a bit different from the suggestion I posted earlier this week.

Problems for seminar 6 will be taken from the compendium, chapters 4 (the remaining) and 5. Skip those which involve "sin" or "cos", or if you would give them a shot as well: the sin function has the property (sin t)' = cos t, while the cos function has the property (cos t)' = - sin t.

Published Sep. 19, 2013 12:00 PM
  • Problems posted. I did not include "do the last example by ..." as it is more than enough already.
  • I've had requests to post seminar problem sets earlier. It is an issue though that I do not always know how far we will get during the week. Here is what I will do:
    • I will post "these are likely" earlier than Thursday.
    • On Thursday, I will post the problem set, which hopefully has a large intersection with the draft posted earlier. 
    • Likely for seminar #5 in a week and a half: last year's seminar problem set #8, exam 2011 problem 1, and 4-01, 4-02, 4-10, 4-11.
Published Sep. 15, 2013 2:11 AM

... can be reached at .
(For the record, teachers do not have access to it.)

Published Sep. 12, 2013 4:06 PM

The seminar problems document is updated with for seminar #3, problems just as last year. 

The lecture schedule is reshuffled, hopefully for the last time; we will return to linear algebra topics next Thursday.