Seminar problems up.

  • Problems posted. I did not include "do the last example by ..." as it is more than enough already.
  • I've had requests to post seminar problem sets earlier. It is an issue though that I do not always know how far we will get during the week. Here is what I will do:
    • I will post "these are likely" earlier than Thursday.
    • On Thursday, I will post the problem set, which hopefully has a large intersection with the draft posted earlier. 
    • Likely for seminar #5 in a week and a half: last year's seminar problem set #8, exam 2011 problem 1, and 4-01, 4-02, 4-10, 4-11.
Published Sep. 19, 2013 12:00 PM - Last modified Sep. 19, 2013 12:01 PM