Practicalities regarding the exam

  • Remember that the exam in ECON4140 is “open book”, meaning that you are allowed to use all printed or written material, i.e. books, notes, photocopies of others' notes, old problem solutions, etc.
    Pocket calculators are also allowed (but remember to have fresh batteries for them). 
  • If you mark your text as deleted (“cross out”) it will be disregarded and will not be used against you; you do not have to spend time writing that sheet of paper over again – however it might for your own sake be helpful to start on a new sheet of paper for each problem. Save trees another day.
  • You will be required to justify your answers (show calculations or known results) – that is an essential part when grading.
    And you should write legibly; the committee has seen many different handwritings before, so you do certainly not need calligraphy – but if it is not possible to tell what you have been writing, it could be disregarded. (You are unlikely to get away with undecipherable handwriting to disguise an invalid argument – yes we have seen it before.)
  • Read ad the advise posted last week on getting to Hasle. Link to location for the 4140 exam.
Published Dec. 5, 2013 5:05 PM - Last modified Dec. 5, 2013 5:05 PM