
Published Dec. 10, 2015 6:39 PM

(Important enough to warrant a separate message I think.)

I: The exam is open-book: You are allowed to bring any books/papers, in any language, with or without notes/annotations (yours or anyone else's).  

II: You must justify your answers. An answer without calculations is not that much worth. And it must be legible. It need not be calligraphic, the grading committees know very well that you are working under a time-constraint, and they have seen all sorts of ugly handwriting. (Also, don't try to bluff by switching to illegible handwriting on what you do not know, they have seen that too many times too.)

Good luck! 
- Nils

Published Dec. 10, 2015 6:35 PM
Published Dec. 9, 2015 9:38 PM
  • I found out that at least two of the three "Old exams" folders had no English version of the most recent exam problem set. Nobody has complained. Was the last one correct, or have only (at most) Norwegian-speaking students opened the set?
  • I've had no requests. (Well one, but that was clarified by e-mail.) Defaulting to "in a nutshell" lecture unless I get requests.
  • Remember it is not the ordinary room.

- Nils

Published Dec. 4, 2015 1:57 PM
Published Nov. 17, 2015 1:39 PM

I cancel today's consultation hours (for reasons obvious to those who attended yesterday's session) and the two next (because most of you will be occupied with exams, and likely not have had time to gather any questions by December 1st).

But feel free to send an e-mail and/or knock on my door if you need to meet; not today though.

- Nils

Published Nov. 16, 2015 9:49 PM

We are done with curriculum.  The last lecture, a review lecture, is postponed until Thursday 10th, usual time - but different room, namely Aud2. 

  • First hour I will review the last ordinary exam.
    • That is my usual routine for these lectures, and I decided to follow it despite that exam being on the hard side (a different scale was used for grading this one).
    • This exam is now uploaded.
  • For the second hour, I solicit requests - by the evening before at the latest.
    • Or, I will (likely) default to my usual summary lecture. 

Good luck with your other exams. 

- Nils

Published Nov. 13, 2015 10:19 AM

In yesterday's lecture, I suggested a review on that day. If that is inconvenient, please let me know ASAP (i.e. by the week-end).

This lecture will replace Thursday 19th; I will be done with the curriculum - polynomial approximations - on Monday. 

Published Oct. 30, 2015 2:30 PM

Given that I am a bit delayed, the problem set is a bit premature until Monday. Which of course is an issue, given that the lecture ends 1800 and the seminar starts 0815 the following morning.

Those of you in the Tuesday group can safely skip 138a, at least. 

- Nils

Published Oct. 26, 2015 6:19 PM

It seems that the schedule has not been updated. I have e-mailed to get a confirmation, but here is what was booked:

  • The seminar is moved to 1215, room HH101. 
  • The lecture is moved to 1615, the usual auditorium 7.

Thank you to the students who objected.

Published Oct. 22, 2015 4:07 PM

Yes, the assignment tells you to invert the matrix, but that is not part of problem 69 part (a). Disregard - or, by all means, calculate the inverse. - Nils

Published Oct. 17, 2015 9:16 PM

For the next seminars, please choose the problem you found hardest, and submit as much as you managed to do with it.  I (Nils) will collect your sheets from the seminar leaders to learn what you found difficult and how close you got to a solution.  - Nils

Published Oct. 16, 2015 2:54 PM

Someone outside this Department took down the exams collection folder last Tuesday (?). I hope it does not happen again. It should be accessible now. - Nils

Published Oct. 2, 2015 7:16 PM

The seminar problems document has been updated with provisional problem sets for the rest of the semester - with reservations for possible changes (which will be announced here in the Messages section). - Nils

Published Sep. 7, 2015 4:43 PM

Extensions of the integral concept will be postponed to allow for more time on integrals and differential equations. - Nils

Published Sep. 3, 2015 5:51 PM

Problem 32 is quite a lot of work, and will be saved for later.

The problem set will shortly be updated with assignments for a few weeks ahead; changes may occur, watch this space.

- Nils

Published Sep. 2, 2015 4:56 PM
  • The lecture schedule is updated.
  • On the course front page, you will find a link to a document where exercises and seminar problems will be posted. (As of now: only up to next week.)

Torben will take over from now on. - Nils

Published Aug. 27, 2015 5:42 PM
Published Aug. 24, 2015 6:39 PM
  • Part of Thursday's lecture will be "seminar", problem-solving. Do these: 
    • Exam spring 2004 #1 parts (a),(b),(c)
    • Exam spring 2005 #1 and  #2 part (a)
    • Exam spring 2007 #4 parts (a)(b)(c)
    • Problem 9 from the compendium of old exam-type problems. 
  • We will be delayed compared to schedule. It will be updated next (?) week, but until then: Torben will start with the intermediate value theorem Thursday in a week and a half.

- Nils


Published Aug. 20, 2015 3:23 PM

Nat Tran, with e-mail address slightly spamshielded: xntran [?tt the usual domain:]

Published Aug. 19, 2015 3:00 PM

A draft lecture schedule is up (under the "Schedule" link), but most likely there will be a change already in a couple of lectures.  Torben will take over from September 3rd, and it appears convenient that he starts introducing the integral. 

We have time for a delay though. One suggestion is as follows: have a "seminar" (plenary problem-solving) part of the Thursday 27th lecture. 

Edit: in any case, you can review these problems (recycling a set assigned by Arne Str?m in 2011). But in case of a "seminar" Thu 27th, new problems may be assigned.

- Nils

Published Aug. 18, 2015 3:28 PM

Because I spent more time previewing the course, first thing next lecture will be interest rates (EMEA 10.1—10.3 / Norwegian: MA1 8.1–8.3). Then limits and continuity: EMEA 7.8—7.9 / MA1 6.1–6.3 . And subject to time: start on Indefinite expressions (limits that tend to '0/0' etc.): EMEA 7.12 / MA1 6.4 (som var 6.5 i 7. utg).

Published Aug. 10, 2015 1:44 PM
Published Aug. 10, 2015 1:22 PM