For the first lecture

The first lecture will (1) preview the course, briefly touching upon what we will cover in-depth throughout the semester, and then (2) cover exponentials and logarithms and interest rates. 

  • Before the lecture, you should refresh your familiarity with a few concepts. Knut Syds?ter and Arne Str?m gave this review note for Mathematics 3 (yes "3") back in the time when that was compulsory in one of the Master programmes' first semester; you should know already nearly everything in items 1 through 17 (then 18 and 19 will be covered first lecture); except the possibly mysterious vector notation (boldface) you should know the content of items 25 through 30 and 32, 37 and 38. I also assume you have somehow during your studies picked up item 21.
    You should also from ECON2200 (or similar) know the second-derivative test in two variables (does "AC
    – B>0" look familiar?) and Lagrange's method. We will review it once we get to the relevant topics, but you will most likely need it in your other courses first  – which brings me to the rationale behind the next item, the preview:
  • Re (1), the preview: 
    There are concepts you will likely meet in ECON4200 and ECON4310 before we cover them (if at all!) in Mathematics 2. I will therefore spend parts of the first lecture scratching the surface of a few selected topics (max/min  
     cf the previous item  – and vector notation), as well as speaking a bit about the course for the sake of overview. 
  • Re (2), curriculum: ?
    • exp and ln: Basic properties will be reviewed. Read: EMEA 4.9—4.10, 6.10—6.11 /  Norwegian: MA1 3.9–3.10, 5.10–5.11.
    • Interest rates ('annual' vs 'monthly' rate, 'annual' vs 'monthly' accumulation): EMEA 10.1—10.3 / Norwegian: MA1 8.1–8.3

 – NCF

Published Aug. 10, 2015 1:44 PM