Welcome to the course. A few bits of information:

  • ECON3120/4120 is a dual-code course with the same content. Information will be given here at the ECON4120 course site, though always with the following important exception: 3120 students must check the 3120 site for where to sit at the exam. 
  • The lectures in August will be given by Nils Chr. Framstad, then until mid October by Torben Mideksa and the remaining part by Framstad. 
    We will try to fit consultation hours to teaching schedules.
    There will most likely be a review lecture at the end, closer to the exam than what appears in the schedule calendar as of now.
  • The Norwegian curriculum and the English equivalent should be considered substitutes, not complements. As economists in spe, you should know that this means you save money.
    Older versions of the books: at your own risk, but most likely you will be just fine, there are not too many changes.
  • Seminar problems will by and large be old exam problems and old exam-type problems, to be found here. (Most likely you can get a Norwegian version of the compendium at Akademika.) 
  • Curriculum for each of the first lectures to be posted in the lecture plans calendar. For the first lecture: message to be posted in a few minutes.

–  NCF


Published Aug. 10, 2015 1:22 PM - Last modified May 20, 2016 2:06 PM