IN2000 – Software Engineering with Project Work

Schedule, syllabus and examination date

Course content

In this course you will do a comprehensive system development project in teams, and will receive training in using modern methods, techniques and tools in software engineering.

Learning outcome

After completing IN2000 you'll:

  • have knowledge of the most important system development methods, including their strengths and weaknesses
  • have knowledge of key processes and actors in project and team work that apply flexible principles
  • have knowledge of the following activities within system development: requirements collection and analysis, design, programming, testing, as well as maintenance and further development
  • be able to use professional system development methods, techniques and tools
  • have the competence to work in teams and the ability to reflect on your own and the team's work in system development projects
  • know the methods and principles for built-in safety and universal design

Admission to the course

The course have a limited capacity of 250 students from bachelor-programmes at IFI. Ranking:

1) Students from IFI bachelor programmes where the course is mandatory:

  • Informatics: Design, Use, Interaction
  • Informatics: Digital Economics and Leadership
  • Informatics: Programming and System Architecture

2) Students from other IFI bachelor programmes:

  • Informatics: Robotics and Intelligent Systems
  • Informatics: Language Technology

Special admission requirements

In addition to fulfilling the?Higher Education Entrance Qualification, applicants have to meet the following special admission requirements:

  • Mathematics R1 or Mathematics (S1+S2)

The special admission requirements may also be covered by equivalent studies from Norwegian upper secondary school or by other equivalent studies. Read more about?special admission requirements?(in Norwegian).

Formal prerequisite knowledge

IN1010 – Object-oriented Programming/INF1010 and IN1030 – Systems, Requirements and Consequences/INF1050/INF1055, as well as at elast one of these four courses:?IN1060 – Use Oriented Design/INF1510, IN2020 – Methods in Interaksjonsdesign/INF2260, IN2010 – Algorithms and Data Structures/INF2220, IN2090 – Databases and Data Modeling/INF1300

If you think you meet the all the requirements (programme and courses) but have problem applying through StudentWeb, contact IFI.

Overlapping courses


Up to 4 hours of lectures (two double hours) per week. Completion and approval of a major project assignment as a group is required, as well as submission of mandatory assignments that must be approved prior to the final exam. Read more about requirements for submission of assignments, group work and?cooperation under guidelines for mandatory assignments.

It is strongly recommended to?attend the first lecture as there will be given important information.


4 hours written digital final exam counts 50% towards the final grade, and submission of a project assignment with an oral presentation counts for the remaining 50%.

The project assignment is given a joint grade for all participants, based on the oral presentation. Individual students may be selected for individual presentation, in which case individual grades will be given.

Both parts must be passed and both must be passed in the same semester. Completion and approval of a major project assignment as a group is required, as well as submission of mandatory assignments which must be approved prior to the final exam.

Grading scale

Grades are awarded on a scale from A to F, where A is the best grade and F?is a fail. Read more about?the grading system.

Resit an examination

Students who can document a valid reason for absence from the regular examination are?offered a postponed examination at the beginning of the next semester.

Re-scheduled examinations are not offered to students who withdraw during, or did not pass the original examination.

More about examinations at UiO

You will find further guides and resources at the web page on examinations at UiO.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) Mar. 4, 2025 9:07:33 AM

Facts about this course

Teaching language