Norwegian version of this page

Mandatory assignments and other hand-ins

For all submissions of assignments at Ifi, whether it involves mandatory assignments, home exam or other, it is required that the work is a result of the student's own effort.

Requirements for assignments

To publish the work of others for his own is both illegal and unethical and will lead to strong reactions from the Department and the University, which may lead to expulsion of one or more semesters; see Rutiner for behandling av fuskesaker. (in norwegian only)

Please note:

  • If you bring text, code, illustrations etc made by others, you must inform where it comes from.
  • It is ok to get hints on how to solve a problem, but this should only be use as a base for your own sollution and not be copied in.
  • You can be called in for a conversation about you hand ins. You must be able to explain the contents in detail and clarify how the assignment has evolved. If this conversation reveals that your assignment is not independent work and/or you can't explain your assignment, the lecturer can decide to not approve it, also if your group teacher already has approved it.

Group work

Some courses have assignments handed in by groups. IFI assumes that all members of the group kan clarify the main features of the work  handed in. Everyone must also have done their share of the whole and be able to identify and answer in detail about these sections.

Cooperation when handing in individual assignments

These rules do not mean that Ifi doen't recommend cooperation. On the contrary,  we encourage students to exchange their knowledge. When you hand in individual assignments, the following is important:

  • You can discuss a sollution with others, but you can't share parts of the sollution/code.
  • If you bring text, code, illustrations etc made by others, you must inform from where/whom it comes from. In individual assignemnts this should be rarely.
  • If you have doubts as to what is legal cooperation, you can contact your group teacher or lecturer.

Guidelines for mandatory assignments

A mandatory assignment is a task which must be completed and approved before a student may appear for the final examination in a course. The assignment itself will be graded as passed or failed and will not influence the final grade awarded in the course.

At the start of a course, the number of assignments and their publication and delivery dates must be available.The assignment text must contain a clear specification of what the student is supposed to do.The theoretical background necessary for completing the assignment must be taught or made available in good time before the delivery date.

The guidelines described fully


Student administration

Published July 3, 2015 1:01 PM - Last modified Feb. 17, 2023 3:27 PM