Teaching - time and place

Husk obligatorisk oppm?te p? f?rste forelesing, se under forelesninger. The first lecture is obligatory for all students registered for the course, please have a look under lectures.


Det er obligatorisk fremm?te p? f?rste forelesning. Dette gjelder ogs? for studenter p? en eventuell venteliste. Studenter som ikke m?ter, regnes for ? ha trukket seg fra emnet med mindre de p? forh?nd har meldt forfall til Studieseksjonen, Institutt for molekyl?r biovitenskap. The first lecture is obligatory for all students registered for the course. Students on the waiting list must also attend the first lecture. Registered students who do not appear at the first lecture will be considered to have withdrawn from the course unless they have notified the IMBV study section in advance.

  • Monday 10:15 -12:00,?Auditorium 2?Kristine Bonnevies hus (Biologibygn.) ( 16. January to 29. May)

  • Thursday 10:15 -12:00,?Auditorium 2?Kristine Bonnevies hus (Biologibygn.) ( 19. January to 1. June)

Kristian Prydz, Inger Sandlie, Per Ottar Seglen, Trond Berg, Olav Sand


Det er obligatorisk oppm?te p? kollokviene. Kollokviegruppene organiseres p? f?rste forelesning. Students have to meet at the colloqvia. The colloqvia groups are organized at the first lecture.

  • Monday 12:15 -14:00,?Rom 1402 (Studiesamling)?Kristine Bonnevies hus (Biologibygn.) ( 23. January to 29. May)

  • Monday 14:15 -16:00,?Rom 1402 (Studiesamling)?Kristine Bonnevies hus (Biologibygn.) ( 23. January to 29. May)

Kristian Prydz, Trond Berg, Olav Sand, Per Ottar Seglen, Inger Sandlie


I de to siste ukene f?r p?ske skal studentene arbeide med gruppeoppgaver som legges fram i plenum. The students will do group work and presentations the two last weeks before Easter.

  • Thursday?6. April 09:15 -16:00,?Auditorium 2?Kristine Bonnevies hus (Biologibygn.)

  • Friday?7. April 09:15 -14:00,?Auditorium 2?Kristine Bonnevies hus (Biologibygn.)

Kristian Prydz


Det er en obligatorisk lab?velse p? emnet. Den holdes 4.mai p? rom 2117 og 2418. Det er ett labparti, labparti 1 som studentene m? melde seg til. There is one mandatory lab exercise on the May 4. Students have to register for the lab group 1.

Inger Sandlie

Laboratorie?velser 1

  • Thursday?4. May 12:15 -17:00,?Kurssal 2418?Kristine Bonnevies hus (Biologibygn.)

  • Thursday?4. May 12:15 -17:00,?Kurssal 2117?Kristine Bonnevies hus (Biologibygn.)

Inger Sandlie

Published Nov. 17, 2005 2:02 PM - Last modified Jan. 26, 2006 7:32 PM