The first lecure will be held Monday 8 September at 12.15-14 in auditorium 3, the geology building.
F?rste forelesning blir mandag 8. september kl 12.15-14 i auditorium 3, geologibygningen.
The course has been postponed for a week. It will start in week 36. Exact time and place will be announced.
Undervisningsstart er utsatt en uke, til uke 36. N?yaktig tid og sted kunngj?res.
The first lecture in this subject is given in week 35. The schedule is not yet ready. Please contact the teachers if any questions. ( Click on "Studieadministrasjon og fagl?rere").
Undervisningen i GEO3710 starter i uke 35. N?yaktig timeplan er ikke fastlagt. Kontakt fagl?rer ved sp?rsm?l.