Finally!! The final upgrade of the Lecture notes is now available. ... lars petter
A new updated version (all English) of the Computer problems leaflet is now available. ... lars petter
Urgent!! Room 7 was occupied. The lecture tomorrow will be held from 12:15-14.00 in meeting room Cirrus ( level 4). Note the new time!! See you there ... lars petter
There is a typo in the text to Computer problem # 3 eq. 17. The u0 factor in frort of the second term on the left-hand side should be erased. The Computer Problem notes have been updated accordingly. Sorry for any inconvenience. Note that there may be other misprints, so do not hesitate to contact me if you find something that you think might in error. ... lars petter
The Computer Problem notes are updated as of today. They will however be updated later on duting the course. You are asked to solve Computer Problem No. 3 in one week, that is, by next Wednesday, October 26, 2008. Good luck ... lars petter
For those of you who are native speaking Norwegian: As promised I have provided a copy of the earlier lecture notes that I compiled for GEF4620 ("Oceans on Computers") which are written in Norwegian. The notes overlap somewhat with the lecture notes I have compiled for this course. Thus you'll find a Norwegian text for the overlapping material. You'll find it under the heading Undervisningsmateriale . Good luck! ... lars petter
Finally! An updated version (Chapter 1 -5) of the lecture notes is ready for download. Have a nice weekend ... lars petter
To help you write a LaTEX file, please download the zipped tar file GEF4510-CoPr.tar.gz under the heading Undervisningsmateriale. You unzip the tar file using the command 'gunzip'. The tar file contains the *.tex file I use to write GEF4510-CoPr.pdf (GEF4510-CoPr.tex). To be complete I have also enclosed the tex files for Computer problems 1 (copr1.tex) and 2 (copr2.tex) as well as the figure contained in copr2 (Fig-diffu.tex) and the two graphs it contains (Fig-diffu.eps and BC-copr2e.tex). Hope this is of help ... lars petter
An updated version of the Computer Problems (GEF4510_CoPr.pdf) are now ready. ... lars petter
By mistake I downloaded last years Computer problems earlier today (see previous message). Please disregard it. The correct one is now ready for download. Sorry for any inconvenience. ... lars petter
Computer problem # 2 is now available and can be downloaded. The lecture notes are updated as well, and Chapters 1-4 can be downloaded.
Gunnar Wollan will give his last lecture on Friday Sep. 19, 2008 at 08:15-11:00 in CIENS room #7. ... lars petter
Note: No lecture on Wednesday Sep. 10, 2008. It is postponed. ... lars petter
The lecture notes are now ready for download (pdf file). The content will surely change as we proceed. Thus, please do not print paper copies of all the pages (114 pages total) now, but print it chapter by chapter as we go along. Chapters 1, 2 and 3 are ready for printing now. I will notify you when new versions are ready for download of the remaining chapters. ... lars petter
Regular lectures start on Monday Sep. 8 at 10:15. Please have a look at Computer Problem 1b during the weekend. I will briefly go through both 1a and 1b on Monday. ... lars petter
The lectures by Gunnar Wollan Wednesday Aug. 27 and Sep. 3 are moved from 12:15-14:00 to 14:15-16:00.
The first two weeks Gunnar Wollan will give an intro to numerical programming.