To help you write a …
To help you write a LaTEX file, please download the zipped tar file GEF4510-CoPr.tar.gz under the heading Undervisningsmateriale. You unzip the tar file using the command 'gunzip'. The tar file contains the *.tex file I use to write GEF4510-CoPr.pdf (GEF4510-CoPr.tex). To be complete I have also enclosed the tex files for Computer problems 1 (copr1.tex) and 2 (copr2.tex) as well as the figure contained in copr2 (Fig-diffu.tex) and the two graphs it contains (Fig-diffu.eps and BC-copr2e.tex). Hope this is of help ... lars petter
Published Oct. 2, 2008 3:14 PM
- Last modified Sep. 18, 2020 1:29 PM