
Publisert 22. nov. 2023 17:23

Dear all, this our second last week and after we have gone through a discussion of time-dependent perturbation theory and the adiabatic hypothesis, we start with Green's functions. The plan is more or less as

Week 47, November 20-24, 2023

Publisert 16. nov. 2023 07:47

Week 46, November 13-17, 2023

Publisert 10. nov. 2023 06:41

Due to a PhD defense today's lectures 1015am-12pm are changed into an exercise sessions with a focus on the exercises from week 44 and 45. We start at 11am and end the exercise session at 2pm.

Best wishes for the weekend

Publisert 8. nov. 2023 16:06

Dear all, here are our plans for week 45. The weekly slides do not contain all material. The material on the interaction picture are given in separate latex slides. On Friday we will begin at 11 and finish at 12pm. This is due to Pascal Sado's thesis defense (Morten is a member of the PhD committee).

Best wishes to you all, Morten and Stian

===== Week 45, November 6-10, 2023 =====

* Topics to be covered

  * Thursday:

    o Many-body perturbation theory, discussion of contributions and diagrammatic representation (whiteboard notes)

    o Diagram rules (whiteboard notes)

  * Friday:

    o Examples of diagrams and discussion of Pauli violating diagrams (Whiteboard notes)

    o Time-dependent perturbation theory, definitions of Schroedinger, Heisenberg and interaction picture, see slides at

Publisert 28. okt. 2023 11:39

Dear all, welcome back to FYS4480/9480. The plans for the coming week, with links to exercises and slides are

Week 44, October 30-November 3

  • Topics to be covered
    • Thursday:
      • Linking FCI and Hartree-Fock theory with many-body perturbation theory
      • Time-independent perturbation theory
      • Examples of contributions to perturbation theory (whiteboard notes)
      • Video of lecture to be added
    • Friday:
  • Lecture Material: Handwritten notes and Shavitt and Bartlett chapters 4-6
  • Eigh...
Publisert 24. okt. 2023 22:18

Week 43, October 23-27, 2023

Publisert 11. okt. 2023 07:01

Dear all, included here you'll find the link to the first midterm (with deadline Sunday October 22. at midnight) and the plans for this week.
The midterm is at and is also attached here. 
Else, the plans for this week are
Topics to be covered
Repetition of derivation of Hartree-Fock theory
Stability of Hartree-Fock theory and Thouless theorem
Koopman's theorem
Introduction to the homogenoeus electron gas in three dimensions
Work on first midterm Friday
Lecture Material: Lecture slides, handwritten notes, Szabo and Ostlund, chapter 3 and Shavitt and Bartlett chapters 3 and 4.

Best wishes to you all,
Morten and Stian

Publisert 5. okt. 2023 07:14

Dear all, this week our plans are 

Publisert 28. sep. 2023 07:35

Dear all, the plans for this week are as follows

  • Topics to be covered
    1. Thursday:
      • Repetition of particle-hole formalism
      • Discussion of full configuration interaction (FCI) theory
      • Diagrammatic representation
    2. Friday:
      • FCI theory
      • Lipkin model as an example of applications of FCI theory
  • Lecture Material: Weekly slides at, handwritten notes and Shavitt and Bartlett, chapters 3 and 4
  • Fifth exercise set at

Best wishes to you all,

Morten and Stian


Publisert 21. sep. 2023 07:28

Dear all, this week we continue our discussion of the particle-hole formalism with an emphasis on applications and rewriting commutator rules and operators using the new reference vacuum.

The material we cover is found in the weekly slides, the whiteboard notes and chapters 3 and 4 of Shavitt and Bartlett.

Fourth exercise set is at

The first exercise is a continuation of the Lipkin model exercises from last week while the second exercise applies the introduction of the new reference state to a redefinition of various many-body operators.

Best wishes to you all,

Morten and Stian

p.s. if we get time we may discuss another way to represent operators for second quantization...

Publisert 14. sep. 2023 07:09

Dear all, sorry for the late announcement. Here are the plans for this week (all lectures are recorded and you can attend via zoom as well):

* Topics to be covered

  o Thursday: Proof of Wick's theorem, Wick's generalized theorem and examples

  o Friday: Wrappping up Wick's theorem, Wick's generalized theorem and diagrammatic representation, Particle-hole formalism and definition of new reference state, normalordering of operators

* Lecture Material: Weekly slides, handwritten notes and chapter 3 of Shavitt and Bartlett covers most of the material discussed this week. Most of the material will be covered via whiteboard notes. These will be uploaded after the lectures.

Third exercise set

Best wishes to you all,

Morten and Stian

Publisert 6. sep. 2023 11:44

Dear all, welcome back to FYS4480/9480.

* Topics to be covered

  o Thursday: Second quantization, operators in second quantization and diagrammatic representation

  o Friday: Second quantization and Wick's theorem

* Lecture Material: slides from, handwritten notes and Szabo and Ostlund sections 2.3 and 2.4. The material on Wick's theorem is covered by the whiteboard notes to be discussed on Friday.

* Second exercise set at

The solution to the exercises from week 35 are at


Best wishes to you all,

Morten and Stian

Publisert 29. aug. 2023 10:35

Dear all, we hope this week started the best possible for all of you.

Here are some updates for this week (week 35).  On Thursday we plan to finalize the calculations of expectation values for fermionic systems. Parts of this material is covered by lectures from last week, see material starting from the header "Back to the derivation of the energy" at for example Thereafter, we move into our first encounter of second quantization. The material is covered by this week's slides at  This is most likely the topic for Friday's lecture.

Our first exercise set, to be discussed on Friday is available at


The reading suggestions are from Szabo and Ostlund's text...

Publisert 24. aug. 2023 10:03

Dear all and welcome to FYS4480/9480.  As you may have seen from the teaching schedule, the lectures will also be available via zoom, see the link below. The room we have been assigned is also pretty crappy (Chemistry buidling room 346 west) and cannot accomodate as many as we are. We will thus walk away to the CCSE today and move lectures permanently to the CCSE, 4th floor, eastern wing dept of physics. 
This means that the zoom session will start a little bit later, approx 1020am today. For those on zoom, please just wait some few minutes. The zoom link is 
Topic: FYS4480 Lectures
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 964 9859 8694
Passcode: 498901

Cya soon,
Morten and Stian

Publisert 24. aug. 2023 08:38

Dear all, welcome to our first lecture, Thursday August 24 at 1015am-12pm. For those that cannot be present in person, the lectures can be attended via zoom. The lectures will also be recorded. 

Cya soon and all the best,

Morten and Stian

p.s. the zoom link is 

Topic: FYS4480 Lectures

Meeting ID: 964 9859 8694
Passcode: 498901

Publisert 4. aug. 2023 21:21

First a warm welcome to you all. The plan for the first week are

Week 34, August 22-26