Moving to new lecture hall

Dear all and welcome to FYS4480/9480.  As you may have seen from the teaching schedule, the lectures will also be available via zoom, see the link below. The room we have been assigned is also pretty crappy (Chemistry buidling room 346 west) and cannot accomodate as many as we are. We will thus walk away to the CCSE today and move lectures permanently to the CCSE, 4th floor, eastern wing dept of physics. 
This means that the zoom session will start a little bit later, approx 1020am today. For those on zoom, please just wait some few minutes. The zoom link is 
Topic: FYS4480 Lectures
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 964 9859 8694
Passcode: 498901

Cya soon,
Morten and Stian

Publisert 24. aug. 2023 10:03 - Sist endret 24. aug. 2023 10:03