Plans for week 44
Dear all, welcome back to FYS4480/9480. The plans for the coming week, with links to exercises and slides are
Week 44, October 30-November 3
- Topics to be covered
- Thursday:
- Linking FCI and Hartree-Fock theory with many-body perturbation theory
- Time-independent perturbation theory
- Examples of contributions to perturbation theory (whiteboard notes)
- Video of lecture to be added
- Friday:
- Examples of contributions to perturbation theory and diagrammatic representation (whiteboard notes)
- Video of lecture to be added
- Thursday:
- Lecture Material: Handwritten notes and Shavitt and Bartlett chapters 4-6
- Eight exercise set at
- Slides at
Best wishes for the weekend and the coming week,
Morten and Stian
Publisert 28. okt. 2023 11:39
- Sist endret 28. okt. 2023 11:39