
Publisert 22. des. 2010 16:24

Suggested solution for the final exam is found here.

Publisert 6. des. 2010 12:52

Tillatte hjelpemidler til eksamen:

Elektronisk kalkulator, godkjent for videreg?ende skole

To A4-ark med egne notater (kan beskrives p? begge sider - b?de h?ndskrevne notater og utskrifter fra datamaskin er tillatt).

Rottmann: Matematisk formelsamling (alle utgaver)

?grim og Lian / Angell og Lian: Fysiske st?rrelser og enheter (alle utgaver)

Permitted aids during final exam:

Electronic calculator, approved for high school

Two A4-sheets of paper with your own notes (both sides can be used - both handwritten notes and computer printouts are permitted).

Rottmann: Matematisk formelsamling (all editions)

?grim og Lian / Angell og Lian: Fysiske st?rrelser og enheter (all editions)

Publisert 26. nov. 2010 13:22

Last warning: All mandatory assignments must be approved within Monday, November 29 (14 days before the final exam).

Publisert 24. nov. 2010 15:39

Students who have not yet got their mandatory assignments approved, are advised to resubmit as soon as possible, since the deadline from the faculty is approaching.

Please contact the lecturer in case of questions.

Publisert 24. nov. 2010 15:36

Your midterm exam papers have now been corrected and evaluated, and you can pick them up at room 144.

Suggested solutions to the problems are available here.

Publisert 23. nov. 2010 17:39

The groups for problem solving (regneverksted) 10.15 - 12 and 14.15 - 16 are cancelled this Friday (November 26). Please attend the plenary presentation of solutions instead.

Publisert 5. nov. 2010 14:04

The set of problems for the midterm exam is now available here.

The deadline for submitting solutions is Monday, November 15, at 10.00. Place: Room 144 (institute expedition office).

The solution must be labelled with your candidate number (NOT your name).

The solution should be submitted on paper in an easily legible format (hand-written or made by text editor). The language should be Norwegian or English.

If it is impossible for you to submit the solution on paper at the appointed time and place, please notify the lecturer well in advance of the deadline.

Please contact Trine S. Tveter or Leif Veseth if you have questions concerning the midterm exam:,

Good luck!

Publisert 1. nov. 2010 15:11

Your mandatory assignment papers are now corrected, and you can collect them at room 144.

Students with the result "not approved (ikke godkjent)" are recommended to resubmit as soon as possible, in order to ensure approval well in advance of the final deadline from the faculty, November 29. Please contact the lecturer for further information.

Publisert 28. okt. 2010 17:46

The groups for problem solving (regneverksted) 10.15 - 12 and 14.15 - 16 are cancelled this Friday (October 29) and the next Friday (November 5). Please attend the plenary presentation of solutions instead.

Publisert 21. okt. 2010 10:31

For questions / problems concerning the lab groups, you are strongly advised to contact the lab supervisors immediately:,

Publisert 17. okt. 2010 17:04

The assignments to lab groups are here. None of the groups are full yet (though Thursday is getting close). Please print out the relevant lab text - try to understand the goals and means of the measurements before you come to your lab group.

Publisert 14. okt. 2010 13:19

Change in the teaching plan: No organized teaching in week 45 (Nov. 8 - 12), while teaching will proceed as usual in week 43.

The set of problems for the midterm exam will be made available in week 44. The submission deadline will be Monday, 15 November (further details to be announced).

Publisert 14. okt. 2010 12:16

The groups for problem solving (regneverksted) 10.15 - 12 and 14.15 - 16 are cancelled this Friday (October 15).

Publisert 12. okt. 2010 18:16
Publisert 7. okt. 2010 13:56

A possible source of confusion has been found in problem 3c) of the home assignment. The chemical potential mu can be expressed in terms of the four quantities T, N, k and epsilon, although only T, k and epsilon will appear in the final result.

Extra hint: Use the result from b) to eliminate q.

Publisert 28. sep. 2010 17:05

The set of problems for the home assignment is now available here.

The deadline for submitting solutions is Monday, October 11, at 10.00. Place: Room 144 (institute expedition office).

The solution must be labelled with your candidate number (not your name).

The solution should be submitted on paper in an easily legible format (hand-written or made by text editor). The language should be Norwegian or English.

If it is impossible for you to submit the solution on paper at the appointed time and place, please notify the lecturer well in advance of the deadline.

Please contact the lecturer if you have questions concerning the midterm exam.

Good luck!

Publisert 27. sep. 2010 17:25

The set of problems for the first home assignment will be made available later this week. The submission deadline will be Monday, October 11 (details to be announced).

Publisert 7. sep. 2010 12:13

On Friday this week, 10 September, the plenary presentation of solutions to exercises (12.15 - 14) is cancelled.

Help with solving the problems is offered at the open groups (regneverksted) starting this Friday, 10.15 - 12 and 14.15 - 16.

Publisert 20. aug. 2010 19:38

A few pieces of practical information:

Plenary presentations of solutions to selected exercises are given on Fridays (12.15 - 14, Store fysiske auditorium), starting on Friday, 27 August. In addition, practical assistance with solving these exercises is offered on Fridays (10.15 - 12 and 14.15 - 16, Room ?443A in the Physics building), starting on Friday, 10 September. Sets of exercises will be specified for each week, please refer to the detailed teaching plan.

There will be a compulsory home assignment (midterm exam) at the end of October / beginning of November, counting approximately 30% at the final assessment.

In addition, there will be an earlier, compulsory home assignment with tentative submission deadline on Monday, October 4.

In November, there will be two compulsory lab exercises. More details will appear as soon as the lab schedule is fixed.