The set of problems for …

The set of problems for the midterm exam is now available here.

The deadline for submitting solutions is Monday, November 15, at 10.00. Place: Room 144 (institute expedition office).

The solution must be labelled with your candidate number (NOT your name).

The solution should be submitted on paper in an easily legible format (hand-written or made by text editor). The language should be Norwegian or English.

If it is impossible for you to submit the solution on paper at the appointed time and place, please notify the lecturer well in advance of the deadline.

Please contact Trine S. Tveter or Leif Veseth if you have questions concerning the midterm exam:,

Good luck!

Publisert 5. nov. 2010 14:04 - Sist endret 22. des. 2010 16:27