The lab exercises will be …

The lab exercises will be organized during the weeks 42 (October 18- 22) and 43 (October 25 - 29) in room FV225.

The text of the lab exercises will be made available through links from this page.

There will be 3 primary lab groups, each accommodating up to 24 students. The respective times are:

A: Monday, 13.15 - 17.00

B: Thursday, 13.15 - 17.00

C: Friday, 08.15 - 12.00

For registration, please refer to this URL.

In case all three alternatives A, B and C are incompatible with your time schedule, we consider the possibility of opening a fourth group. To vote over day and time for this fourth alternative, please refer to this URL.

Please register as soon as possible. New developments will be posted on this page - please stay tuned.

In case you are away from UiO one of these weeks, it is usually possible to make individual arrangements to complete both exercises in one week (please contact the lab supervisors, and

We apologize very much for this late notice.

Publisert 12. okt. 2010 18:16 - Sist endret 22. des. 2010 16:27