Upload paper this week, bring laptop on Monday
During this week, before the seminar on Monday, I want you to upload up to two pages about your research method to the "Upload papers for seminar discussion" folder in Fronter. In the seminar, you will read some of the other student's writing, and give feedback. Others will give feedback on your paper. This is a very good way to learn academic writing, and it is practiced in all major universities.
Bring your laptop Monday if you have one. It is the easiest way to read the papers. A tablet (like an iPad) will also do. If you don't have a laptop or tablet, send Anders an e-mail, and he will print paper copies for you.
Why method now? Those of you who need to register (and thus apply for approval of your research ethics) with the Data Protection Official need to sort out their method very early.
Also the others need to decide on the selection of material and what to do with it. That is why I recommend to begin with the methods part.
And don't fool yourself. You really should start writing now. Half a page is way better than nothing.