Olivier Lartillot

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Kunstig intelligens kan hjelpe deg ? forst? musikk bedre

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Foto: Toril Haugen

Emneord: Informatikk, Musikkanalyse, Lydanalyse, Kunstig intelligens, Musikkvitenskap, Music Information Retrieval, Musikkteknologi


  • Christodoulou, Anna-Maria; Lartillot, Olivier & Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2024). Multimodal music datasets? Challenges and future goals in music processing. International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval. ISSN 2192-6611. 13(3). doi: 10.1007/s13735-024-00344-6.
  • Danielsen, Anne; Br?vig, Ragnhild; B?hler, Kjetil Klette; C?mara, Guilherme Schmidt; Haugen, Mari Romarheim & Jacobsen, Eirik [Vis alle 13 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2024). There’s More to Timing than Time: Investigating Musical Microrhythm Across Disciplines and Cultures. Music Perception. ISSN 0730-7829. 41(3), s. 176–198. doi: 10.1525/mp.2024.41.3.176. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Thedens, Hans-Hinrich & Lartillot, Olivier (2023). AudioSegmentor: Et verkt?y for formidling av arkivopptak p? nettet. Studia Musicologica Norvegica. ISSN 0332-5024. 49(1), s. 92–101. doi: 10.18261/smn.49.1.7. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Lartillot, Olivier; Johansson, Mats Sigvard; Elowsson, Anders; Monstad, Lars L?berg & Cyvin, Mattias Stor?s (2023). A Dataset of Norwegian Hardanger Fiddle Recordings with Precise Annotation of Note and Beat Onsets. Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval. ISSN 2514-3298. 6(1), s. 186–202. doi: 10.5334/TISMIR.139.
  • Maidhof, Clemens; Müller, Viktor; Lartillot, Olivier; Agres, Kat; Bloska, Jodie & Asano, Rie [Vis alle 8 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2023). Intra- and inter-brain coupling and activity dynamics during improvisational music therapy with a person with dementia: an explorative EEG-hyperscanning single case study. Frontiers in Psychology. ISSN 1664-1078. 14. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1155732.
  • Bishop, Laura; H?ffding, Simon; Lartillot, Olivier Serge Gabriel & Laeng, Bruno (2023). Mental Effort and Expressive Interaction in Expert and Student String Quartet Performance. Music & Science. ISSN 2059-2043. 6. doi: 10.1177/20592043231208000.
  • Szorkovszky, Alexander; Veenstra, Frank; Lartillot, Olivier Serge Gabriel; Jensenius, Alexander Refsum & Glette, Kyrre (2023). Embodied Tempo Tracking with a Virtual Quadruped, Proceedings of the Sound and Music Computing Conference 2023. SMC Network . ISSN 978-91-527-7372-7. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.10060970. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Lartillot, Olivier; Elovsson, Anders; Johansson, Mats Sigvard; Thedens, Hans-Hinrich & Monstad, Lars Alfred L?berg (2022). Segmentation, Transcription, Analysis and Visualisation of the Norwegian Folk Music Archive. I Pugin, Laurent (Red.), DLfM '22: 9th International Conference on Digital Libraries for Musicology. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). ISSN 978-1-4503-9668-4. s. 1–9. doi: https:/doi.org/10.1145/3543882.3543883. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Juslin, Patrik N.; Sakka, Laura S.; Barradas, Gon?alo T. & Lartillot, Olivier (2022). Emotions, mechanisms, and individual differences in music listening: A stratified random sampling approach. Music Perception. ISSN 0730-7829. 40(1), s. 55–86. doi: 10.1525/mp.2022.40.1.55. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Weisser, Stéphanie; Lartillot, Olivier & Sechehaye, Hélène (2021). Investiguer la grésillance. Pour une approche ethno-acoustique du timbre musical. Cahiers d'ethnomusicologie. ISSN 2235-7688. 34, s. 37–58.
  • Elovsson, Anders & Lartillot, Olivier (2021). A Hardanger Fiddle Dataset with Performances Spanning Emotional Expressions and Annotations Aligned using Image Registration, Proceedings of the 22nd International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, Online, Nov 7-12, 2021. International Society for Music Information Retrieval. ISSN 978-1-7327299-0-2. s. 174–181. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Lartillot, Olivier (2021). Computational Musicological Analysis of Notated Music: a Brief Overview. Nota Bene. ISSN 1891-4829. 15, s. 142–161. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Lartillot, Olivier; Nymoen, Kristian; C?mara, Guilherme Schmidt & Danielsen, Anne (2021). Computational localization of attack regions through a direct observation of the audio waveform. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. ISSN 0001-4966. 149(1), s. 723–736. doi: 10.1121/10.0003374.
  • Bruford, Fred & Lartillot, Olivier (2020). Multidimensional similarity modelling of complex drum loops using the GrooveToolbox, Proceedings of the 21st International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR) Conference. McGill-Queen's University Press. ISSN 978-0-9813537-0-8. s. 263–270. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Lartillot, Olivier & Bruford, Fred (2020). Bistate reduction and comparison of drum patterns, Proceedings of the 21st International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR) Conference. McGill-Queen's University Press. ISSN 978-0-9813537-0-8. s. 318–324. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Lartillot, Olivier; Cancino-Chacón, Carlos & Brazier, Charles (2020). Real-Time Visualisation Of Fugue Played By A String Quartet. I Spagnol, Simone & Valle, Andrea (Red.), Proceedings of the 17th Sound and Music Computing Conference. Axea sas/SMC Network. ISSN 978-88-945415-0-2. s. 115–122. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • C?mara, Guilherme Schmidt; Nymoen, Kristian; Lartillot, Olivier & Danielsen, Anne (2020). Timing Is Everything... Or Is It? Effects of Instructed Timing Style, Reference and Pattern on Drum Kit Sound in Groove-Based Performance. Music Perception. ISSN 0730-7829. 38(1), s. 1–26. doi: 10.1525/mp.2020.38.1.1. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • C?mara, Guilherme Schmidt; Nymoen, Kristian; Lartillot, Olivier & Danielsen, Anne (2020). Effects of instructed timing on electric guitar and bass sound in groove performance. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. ISSN 0001-4966. 147(2), s. 1028–1041. doi: 10.1121/10.0000724.
  • Alarcón Diaz, Ximena; Bojorquez, Lucia Nikolaia López; Lartillot, Olivier & Flamtermesky, Helga (2019). From collecting an archive to artistic practice in the intimal project lessons learned from listening to a colombian migrant women’s oral history archive. Acervo. ISSN 0102-700X. 32(3), s. 48–63.
  • Lartillot, Olivier & Grandjean, Didier (2019). Tempo and Metrical Analysis by Tracking Multiple Metrical Levels Using Autocorrelation. Applied Sciences. ISSN 2076-3417. 9(23). doi: 10.3390/app9235121. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Alarcón Diaz, Ximena; Lopez Bojórquez, Lucia Nikolaia; Lartillot, Olivier & Flamtermesky, Helga (2019). From collecting an archive to artistic practice in the INTIMAL project: lessons learned from listening to a Colombian migrant women’s oral history archive. Acervo. ISSN 0102-700X. 32(3), s. 48–63. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Lartillot, Olivier (2019). Miningsuite: A Comprehensive Matlab Framework for Signal, Audio and Music Analysis, Articulating Audio and Symbolic Approaches. I Barbancho, Isabel; Tardón, Lorenzo J.; Peinado, Alberto & Barbancho, Ana M. (Red.), SMC 2019 Proceedings of the 16th Sound & Music Computing Conference. Society for Sound and Music Computing. ISSN 978-84-09-08518-7. s. 489–489. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Lartillot, Olivier & Grandjean, Didier (2019). Tempo and Metrical Analysis by Tracking Multiple Metrical Levels Using Autocorrelation. I Barbancho, Isabel; Tardón, Lorenzo J.; Peinado, Alberto & Barbancho, Ana M. (Red.), SMC 2019 Proceedings of the 16th Sound & Music Computing Conference. Society for Sound and Music Computing. ISSN 978-84-09-08518-7. s. 174–181. doi: 10.3390/app9235121. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Lartillot, Olivier (2024). Introduction to the MiningSuite toolbox.
  • Lartillot, Olivier (2024). KI-verkt?y for h?ndtering, transkribering og analyse av musikkarkiver.
  • Ziegler, Michelle; Sudo, Marina; Akkermann, Miriam & Lartillot, Olivier (2024). Towards Collaborative Analysis: Kaija Saariaho’s IO.
  • Lartillot, Olivier (2024). Successes and challenges of computational approaches for audio and music analysis and for predicting music-evoked emotion.
  • Christodoulou, Anna-Maria; Dutta, Sagar; Lartillot, Olivier; Glette, Kyrre & Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2024). Exploring Convolutional Neural Network Models for Multimodal Classification of Expressive Piano Performance.
  • Monstad, Lars L?berg & Lartillot, Olivier (2024). muScribe: a new transcription service for music professionals.
  • Johansson, Mats Sigvard & Lartillot, Olivier (2024). Automated transcription of Hardanger fiddle music: Tracking the beats.
  • Monstad, Lars L?berg & Lartillot, Olivier (2024). Automated transcription of Hardanger fiddle music: Detecting the notes.
  • Thedens, Hans-Hinrich & Lartillot, Olivier (2024). The Norwegian Catalogue of Folk Music Online.
  • Lartillot, Olivier (2024). Overview of the MIRAGE project.
  • Lartillot, Olivier (2024). MIRAGE Closing Seminar: Digitisation and computer-aided music analysis of folk music.
  • Lartillot, Olivier (2024). Musicological and Technological Perspectives on Computational Analysis of Electroacoustic Music. I Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (Red.), Sonic Design: Explorations Between Art and Science. Springer Nature. ISSN 978-3-031-57892-2. s. 271–297. doi: https:/doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-57892-2_15.
  • Lartillot, Olivier (2024). Real-time MIRAGE visualisation of Bartok's first quartet, first movement.
  • Lartillot, Olivier (2024). Harmonizing Tradition with Technology: Enhancing Norwegian Folk Music through Computational Innovation.
  • Monstad, Lars L?berg & Lartillot, Olivier (2023). Automatic Transcription Of Multi-Instrumental Songs: Integrating Demixing, Harmonic Dilated Convolution, And Joint Beat Tracking.
  • Maidhof, Clemens; Agres, Kat; Fachner, J?rg & Lartillot, Olivier (2023). Intra- and inter-brain coupling during music therapy.
  • Wosch, Thomas; Vobig, Bastian; Lartillot, Olivier & Christodoulou, Anna-Maria (2023). HIGH-M (Human Interaction assessment and Generative segmentation in Health and Music).
  • Lartillot, Olivier (2023). Music Therapy Toolbox, and prospects.
  • Lartillot, Olivier; Swarbrick, Dana; Upham, Finn & Cancino-Chacón, Carlos Eduardo (2023). Video visualization of a string quartet performance of a Bach Fugue: Design and subjective evaluation.
  • Bishop, Laura; H?ffding, Simon; Laeng, Bruno & Lartillot, Olivier (2023). Mental effort and expressive interaction in expert and student string quartet performance.
  • Lartillot, Olivier (2023). MIRAGE Symposium #2: Music, emotions, analysis, therapy ... and computer.
  • Lartillot, Olivier; Thedens, Hans-Hinrich; Mjelva, Olav Lukseng?rd; Elovsson, Anders; Monstad, Lars L?berg & Johansson, Mats Sigvard [Vis alle 8 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2023). Norwegian Folk Music & Computational Analysis.
  • Lartillot, Olivier & Monstad, Lars L?berg (2023). Computational music analysis: Significance, challenges, and our proposed approach.
  • Christodoulou, Anna-Maria; Lartillot, Olivier & Anagnostopoulou, Christina (2023). Greek Folk Music Dataset.
  • Lartillot, Olivier (2023). Dynamic Visualisation of Fugue Analysis, Demonstrated in a Live Concert by the Danish String Quartet.
  • Lartillot, Olivier (2023). Towards a comprehensive model for computational music transcription and analysis: a necessary dialog between machine learning and rule-based design?
  • Lartillot, Olivier & Monstad, Lars L?berg (2023). MIRAGE - A Comprehensive AI-Based System for Advanced Music Analysis.
  • Lartillot, Olivier (2023). Computational audio and musical features extraction: from MIRtoolbox to the MiningSuite.
  • Bishop, Laura; H?ffding, Simon; Lartillot, Olivier Serge Gabriel & Laeng, Bruno (2023). Mental effort and expressive interaction in expert and student string quartet performance.
  • Christodoulou, Anna-Maria; Lartillot, Olivier & Anagnostopoulou, Christina (2023). Computational Analysis of Greek Folk Music of the Aegean.
  • Lartillot, Olivier (2023). Towards a Comprehensive Modelling Framework for Computational Music Transcription/Analysis.
  • Lartillot, Olivier & Thedens, Hans-Hinrich (2022). Online Norwegian Folk Music Archive.
  • Lartillot, Olivier; Elovsson, Anders; Johansson, Mats Sigvard; Thedens, Hans-Hinrich & Monstad, Lars Alfred L?berg (2022). Segmentation, Transcription, Analysis and Visualisation of the Norwegian Folk Music Archive.
  • Lartillot, Olivier; God?y, Rolf Inge & Christodoulou, Anna-Maria (2022). Computational detection and characterisation of sonic shapes: Towards a Toolbox des objets sonores.
  • Danielsen, Anne; C?mara, Guilherme Schmidt; Lartillot, Olivier; Leske, Sabine Liliana & Spiech, Connor (2022). Musical rhythm. Behavioural, computational and neurophysiological perspectives.
  • Elovsson, Anders & Lartillot, Olivier (2021). HF1: Hardanger fiddle dataset.
  • Tidemann, Aleksander; Lartillot, Olivier & Johansson, Mats Sigvard (2021). Towards New Analysis And Visualization Software For Studying Performance Patterns in Hardanger Fiddle Music.
  • Lartillot, Olivier & Lillesl?tten, Mari (2021). Olivier Lartillot utvikler verkt?y for ? forst? musikk bedre. [Internett]. Det humanistiske fakultet UiO YouTube account.
  • Lartillot, Olivier & Lillesl?tten, Mari (2021). Kunstig intelligens kan hjelpe deg ? forst? musikk bedre. [Internett]. RITMO News.
  • Lartillot, Olivier; Guldbrandsen, Erling Eliseus & Cancino-Chacón, Carlos Eduardo (2021). Dynamics analysis, and application to a comparative study of Bruckner performances.
  • Lartillot, Olivier; Elovsson, Anders & Mjelva, Olav Lukseng?rd (2021). A new software for computer-assisted annotation of music recordings, with a focus on transcription.
  • Lartillot, Olivier & Johansson, Mats Sigvard (2021). Tracking beats in Hardanger fiddle tunes .
  • Lartillot, Olivier (2021). Presentation of MIRAGE project.
  • Elovsson, Anders & Lartillot, Olivier (2021). A Hardanger Fiddle Dataset with Performances Spanning Emotional Expressions and Annotations Aligned using Image Registration.
  • Tidemann, Aleksander & Lartillot, Olivier (2021). Interactive tools for exploring performance patterns in hardanger fiddle music.
  • Dalgard, Joachim; Lartillot, Olivier; Vuoskoski, Jonna Katariina & Guldbrandsen, Erling Eliseus (2021). Absorption - Somewhere between the heart and the brain.
  • Bruford, Fred & Lartillot, Olivier (2020). Multidimensional similarity modelling of complex drum loops using the GrooveToolbox.
  • Lartillot, Olivier & Toiviainen, Petri (2020). Read about the Matlab MIRtoolbox. Young Acousticians Network (YAN) Newsletter. s. 4–10.
  • Lartillot, Olivier & Toiviainen, Petri (2020). Read about the Matlab MIRtoolbox. [Internett]. Young Acousticians Network Newsletter.
  • Lartillot, Olivier & Bruford, Fred (2020). Bistate reduction and comparison of drum patterns.
  • Lartillot, Olivier; Cancino-Chacón, Carlos & Brazier, Charles (2020). Real-Time Visualisation Of Fugue Played By A String Quartet.
  • Lartillot, Olivier (2019). A comprehensive framework for computational music analysis.
  • C?mara, Guilherme Schmidt; Nymoen, Kristian; Lartillot, Olivier & Danielsen, Anne (2019). Timing is Everything... Or is it? Part I: Effects of Instructed Timing and Reference on Guitar and Bass Sound in Groove Performance.
  • Lartillot, Olivier (2019). Computational analysis of tempo and metre: from signal processing to cognitive musicology.
  • S?rb?, Solveig Isis; Bentham, John; Watson, Pia; Lartillot, Olivier; Gonzalez Sanchez, Victor Evaristo & González, María Isabel (2019). Aether Trouble.
  • Haugen, Mari Romarheim; Johansson, Mats Sigvard & Lartillot, Olivier (2019). Investigating rhythm production and perception in traditional scandinavian dance music in non-isochronous meter: A case study of norwegian telespringar.
  • Lartillot, Olivier (2019). Miningsuite: A Comprehensive Matlab Framework for Signal, Audio and Music Analysis, Articulating Audio and Symbolic Approaches.
  • Lartillot, Olivier & Grandjean, Didier (2019). Tempo and Metrical Analysis by Tracking Multiple Metrical Levels Using Autocorrelation.
  • Lartillot, Olivier (2019). The MIRAGE project.
  • Lartillot, Olivier (2018). The MiningSuite 0.10 (first beta version).
  • Lartillot, Olivier (2018). MIRtoolbox 1.7.1.
  • Lartillot, Olivier & Jensenius, Alexander Refsum (2018). SoundTracer.
  • Lartillot, Olivier; Nymoen, Kristian & Danielsen, Anne (2018). Prediction of P-centers from audio recordings.
  • Lartillot, Olivier (2018). MoCap Toolbox in the MiningSuite.
  • Lartillot, Olivier (2018). Overview of signal-based rhythm analysis.
  • Lartillot, Olivier (2018). Computational sound/music/gesture analysis and application to gesture-based query in music catalogue.
  • Lartillot, Olivier (2018). Cookbook 1: Sound analysis in Matlab.
  • Lartillot, Olivier (2018). Analyse musicologique par ordinateur d'enregistrements audio et de partitions informatisées.
  • Lartillot, Olivier (2018). MIRToolbox and MiningSuite.
  • Lartillot, Olivier (2018). The MiningSuite - a Matlab toolbox for signal, audio and music analysis.
  • Christodoulou, Anna-Maria; Anagnostopoulou, Christina & Lartillot, Olivier (2022). Computational Analysis of Greek folk music of the Aegean islands. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
  • Lartillot, Olivier (2018). mirtempo 1.8: Tempo Estimation By Tracking a Complete Metrical Structure. Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange (MIREX). Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

Publisert 9. aug. 2018 11:07 - Sist endret 12. okt. 2023 14:43