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MIRAGE Closing Seminar: Digitisation and computer-aided music analysis of folk music

This seminar presented what has been achieved during the four years of the MIRAGE project, leading in particular to the digital version of the Norwegian Catalogue of Folk Music. We are also conceiving tools to automatically transcribe and analyse audio recordings of folk music, and are launching a transcription service for music professionals.

Symposium description

One aim of the MIRAGE project is to conceive new technologies allowing to better access, understand and appreciate music, with a particular focus on Norwegian folk music. This seminar presented what has been achieved during the four years of the project, leading in particular to the digital version of the Norwegian Catalogue of Folk Music. We are also conceiving tools to automatically transcribe audio recordings of folk music. More advanced musicological applications were discussed as well. To conclude, we introduced the new spinoff project, called muScribe, aimed at the development of transcription services, for a broad range of music, besides folk music, in a first stage tailored to professional organisations such as archives, publishers and producers.

Symposium programme (TBC)

  Coffee and light snacks
12:30 Welcome, by Ingrid Romarheim Haugen (National Library of Norway) and Alexander Refsum Jensenius (RITMO, University of Oslo)

Overview of the MIRAGE project

Olivier Lartillot (RITMO, University of Oslo)

The Norwegian Catalogue of Folk Music Online

Hans-Hinrich Thedens (National Library of Norway), OL
13:15 Break (coffee and light snacks)

Automated transcription of Hardanger fiddle music: detecting the notes ...

Lars Monstad (RITMO, University of Oslo), OL

... and tracking the beats

Mats Sigvard Johansson (University of South-Eastern Norway), OL

Automated transcription of the folk music collection

14:30 Break

Computational music analysis and visualisation, applied in particular to Norwegian folk music


Theoretical/methodological perspective



muScribe: a new transcription service for music professionals 

15:40 Open discussion, conclusions
16:00 End


If you have any questions, please get in touch with Olivier Lartillot.

Published Mar. 19, 2024 4:37 PM - Last modified Dec. 27, 2024 11:04 PM