澳门葡京手机版app下载 for ansatte ved MED - Side 14
M.A. Shereen Cox at Institute of Health and Society will be defending the thesis “Ethics and Compliance post-clinical trial approval: The Role of Research Ethics Committees” for the degree of PhD (Philosophiae Doctor).
M.A. Shereen Cox at Institute of Health and Society will give a trial lecture on the given topic: “What are the challenges posed by defining and assessing or measuring the effectiveness of IRBs or RECs in protecting human subjects?”
Velkommen til v?rt ukentlige lunsjseminar i dScience-loungen!
?rets h?stkonferanse vil omhandle helhetlig tenkning rundt krise- og beredskapsarbeid. Hvordan adressere og l?se kriser p? en mer koordinert og helhetlig m?te til nytte for samfunnet?
Du som nyansatt professor eller f?rsteamanuensis inviteres til hyggelig treff med mingling og faglige presentasjoner i Professorboligen. Bli kjent med fakultetsledelsen og f? hjelp til ? bygge nettverk.
Invited speaker Sakari Vanharanta will present on the topic of "Deconstructing tissue-specific mechanisms of carcinogenesis".
Arrangementet er i 澳门葡京手机版app下载 med forskergruppen Life Science og UiOs pandemisenter, og omfatter boklansering og debatt om pandemih?ndtering.
Welcome to a SHEtalk on exploring the mediation of alternative and mainstream medical knowledge in digital culture.
SPARK Norway Educational Forum are monthly open meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.
Alle nyansatte ved MED vil fra i ?r f? personlig invitasjon fra dekan Hanne Flinstad Harbo til velkomstm?te for nyansatte. Har du f?tt invitasjon? Kom p? m?tet! Fakultetsledelsen ?nsker ? bli kjent med deg.
Del 2 av utdanningsl?pet til de som g?r DBT-utdanningen i 2023
dScience ?nsker velkommen til ?rets Data Science Day.
Biostatistical seminar with Thomas Matcham, Imperial College London, UK.
Welcome to a SHEtalk on lay epidemiology.
This mini-symposium presents current cutting-edge research in immunology, neurobiology, and cancer performed using cryo-electron microscopy and related techniques. Event will be live-streamed.
SERAF avholder universitetskurs i rusmiddelmedisin over til sammen fire dager. Kurset er delt opp i en grunnlagsmodul og en behandlingsmodul. Kurset tar sikte p? ? ?ke kompetansen i behandling og oppf?lging av pasienter med rusmiddelrelaterte problemer.
Biostatistical seminar with Jesse Hemerik, Assistant Professor, Department of Econometrics, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Velkommen til v?rt dScience lunsjseminar i Realfagsbiblioteket med professor Anders Hansen fra University of Cambridge.
Hva er best; kunstig eller ekte intelligens?
Do you want to gain knowledge about some of the greatest challenges to health of our time and how to address them, and to develop skills to transfer this knowledge to health professionals in different educational settings?
Roles of the lactate shuttle: Focus on brain physiology and pathologies
Hvordan sikrer vi at digitaliseringen forsterker, og ikke undergraver, gr?nn omstilling?
Welcome to the second UiO Growth House innovation hangout of 2023 – a meeting place for academia and industry. This hangout is a collaboration with the technology transfer office Inven2 and is a part of the innovation conference Science Impact 2023.
Fornyelse av offentlig sektor vil kreve utvikling og 澳门葡京手机版app下载 p? tvers, men dette krever finansierings- og styringsmekanismer som underst?tter behovet for 澳门葡京手机版app下载.
Spend a day with great science, innovation and networking opportunities at this meeting place for academia, the institute sector, the public sector, start-ups and industry.? The innovation conference had sessions on life sciences and energy & environment and was a part of Oslo Innovation Week 2023. The next conference is held 25 September 2024 as part of Oslo Innovation Week 2024.