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Teams – Microsoft Teams: Collaboration, chat and video meetings at UiO

What is Microsoft Teams?

Microsoft Teams gives you the opportunity to connect and work together. You can:

  • create teams for
    • file sharing
    • co-authoring
    • sending messages
    • collaboration
  • chat and have video meetings
  • plan the work ahead
  • easily invite external partners
  • invite and work with users without license for MS 365

Two-factor authentication is required for access.

Note! Inactive Teams in MS365 are deleted after 180 days. Prior to deletion, owners of the Team will be notified by e-mail.

Using Teams

Teams is free to use for all students and staff at UiO. External partners can be invited with an email address. For collaboration with other Norwegian universities with MS 365, send invitation to

Log on to Teams

Log on with + UiO password

What can I store in Teams?

Help and Guides

Search the user manual

UiO open Teams

Are you new to MS Teams, or do you want to share experiences and find new possibilities with others? Join UiO's open Teams room where we can share with eachother. Click on the button to open Teams.

UiO Tips and tricks for Teams

Who do I contact?

Do you need help but are unsure who to contact?

Contact IT Help, the central UiO support desk