When you receive an e-mail containing HTML formatting, you can easily choose to display it as plain text (default) or as HTML. An HTML-formatted e-mail will typically look like this when it reaches you. Notice the message that the email is converted to plain text.
It can sometimes be difficult to read what the email is about without turning on HTML view, so if you want to read the e-mail, you can choose to display it as HTML:
- Right click on the information bar saying that the message is converted, and select Display as HTML from the menu that pops up.
Always display as HTML
It is possible to set preferences so that HTML e-mails not get converted, but always are displayed as HTML. Basically, it is not recommended, since HTML-formatted e-mail may contain malicious software or can be used to capture information about the user.
If you still need it, do the following:
1. Right click on the information bar saying that the message is converted, and select E??-mail Security from the menu that pops up.
2. Then the Trust Center in Outlook opens and E-mail Security is selected. Under Read as plain Text you have to deselect the Read all standard email in Plain text. Click OK to save and close the Trust Center.