Norwegian version of this page

Information package

The information package contains details and draft materials which can be used in connection with the rollout of the new email solution. The level 2 leader at the unit should also involve local communication resources to consider the use of local news articles and any other local information initiatives in addition to the information each individual receives from the IT department, as described, for example, in the draft email below.

Draft for email to be sent by the level 2 leader at the unit to other leaders at least two weeks before the employees at the unit have their email accounts migrated to the new solution.

Subject: Email migration coming soon


As previously informed, UiO's email and calendar will be migrated from a local instance of Exchange to Exchange Online in UiO's Microsoft 365. The work on this is ongoing, and already on [date x days in the future], the employees at [unit] will receive an email from the postmaster notifying them that their email will be migrated in two weeks. The email they receive will encourage them to tidy up their email accounts, invite them to attend courses on tidying up and effective email use, and provide a link to the new webmail and guidelines on what they need to do to get started again after the migration.

The migration will take place overnight, and as long as the email program is closed at the end of the workday the day before, most people will not notice the migration when they log in. Nevertheless, an SMS will be sent to everyone who has a mobile number registered in SAP when the migration is complete, with a link to the new webmail and guidelines on what they need to do to get started again after the migration.

If employees reach out with concerns, they can be directed to the website with the course overview. IT Help, UiO's central IT support, is also reinforced for the transition, so if anyone needs help, they should be able to get it. If anyone has strong objections to being migrated and does not have tasks that require the use of a calendar or systems that require email in MS365, they can apply for an exemption from the migration. The application should be sent by the manager after discussing with the employee, in the form of an email to me, containing the employee's name and the reason for requesting the exemption. The applications will be forwarded from here to the IT Director who will make the final decision on approving or denying the application. Please note that the solution available to those not migrated will have significantly poorer functionality than the current solution.

I hope you can bring up the approaching migration in local meetings and forums. Feel free to review the course overview and the rollout schedule:

Best regards,



Draft for a local news article at the unit, which can also be linked in local newsletters approximately two weeks before the migration

Title: Your email will soon be migrated

Introduction: UiO is moving all email to more secure and functional environments in Microsoft 365. For you, this means your email will be protected with two-factor authentication and that planning and collaboration features will work better.

Clean up your email

You should tidy up your email before the migration. This is because you likely have a lot of information that is no longer useful, which costs a lot of money and contributes to a higher carbon footprint for UiO. Additionally, it's a good idea to check that you don't have "red data" (sensitive information) there and that any archive-worthy information is properly archived. →See cleanup tips. The IT department offers courses on tidying up and how to use e-mail effeciently and well (in Norwegian only →See course overview.

Get started with the new email 

veryone will receive an email informing them that their email account will be migrated. The migration will happen two weeks after you receive the email. The migration will occur overnight, and as long as you have closed your email program at the end of the workday the day before, most people will not notice the migration when logging in. Some might need to adjust a few new settings, but for everyone using Windows and Outlook, it will only require a new login. An SMS will also be sent to everyone who has a mobile number registered in SAP when the migration is completed, with a link to the →new web mail (accessable only after you hva been moved) og →guides on what you need to do to get started again after the migration.

Same old email 

When you log in after being migrated, you will continue to use the same email program as before, and your email will come along with you. Depending on how much email you have, it may take a little time for everything to appear, but it will come through.

Anything new?

Once your email is on the new solution, you will no longer send red data (sensitive information) unencrypted through email. An option to send encrypted email will appear, but such data can also be collected, for example, via Nettskjema and gathered in access-restricted shared areas or similar according to the →Storage Guide. Hvis du jobber med r?de data, avtaler du hvordan det skal gj?res, med lederen din. 

Have questions or need help?

If you have any questions regarding tidying up or migrating your email account, contact → IT Help, UiO's central IT support.

Useful links






Published Oct. 4, 2024 1:37 PM - Last modified Oct. 4, 2024 3:05 PM